Vengeance of the Dead (Video 2001) Poster

(2001 Video)

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A film that would rather show a guy sleep than establish characters...
Aaron137512 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This film is a mess and nearly incoherent; however, it also has to be in the top three films with misleading titles that make you think you are about to watch a zombie film, but you get no zombies! I think it takes the number two spot from Revenge of the Dead as Revenge of the Dead did sort of feature two zombies! However, it was unable to take the top spot from Zombie Island Massacre which features no true zombies of the flesh eating kind. This one did have a supernatural element that Massacre didn't, preventing it from taking the number one spot.

The story, kid goes to visit grandpa and his age is unclear as he could be anywhere from 12 to 21. I would say he at least has to be 16 cause he is driving, but seriously, he gets excited by a toy rocket that sucks. Well, shooting off his toy rocket leads him to find a spoon which is completely unexplained except for poor flashbacks during the film. Well we see the kid sleep and then he occasionally sleepwalks and sets things on fire. First a corpse, then a drunk guy on a bus, then a guy who was peaking in at his granddaughter and finally his own grandfather cause apparently they robbed people. They literally do not establish the one killed on the bus or the creepy incestuous one...they establish the one who is just a corpse more so than these two! The film is just trying to be arty or something and it just comes across as mind numbingly boring!

The film is for the most part just the grandson puttering around and then burning stuff, but then there are scenes that do not seem like they even fit into the film. The whole flirting girl at the hardware store seems totally pointless and adds nothing. I was thinking she would perhaps report the dude, but nope, she is totally not relevant to the plot in any way. Then there is the scene where the grandpa looks in on his granddaughter taking a shower. Not needed, I am all for some nudity to spice things up, but not like that! The girl was not even that attractive and her body was mediocre at best and then I keep having to see sweaty grandpa's face and ick!

So this film is not that good and the only reason I give it two stars is that it did keep me wondering what the heck was going to happen. I kept hoping the dead would rise or something, but it is pretty easy to see it is ghosts coming back for revenge and ruining a young man's life in the process type thing, sort of like Fever Lake only sadly, it is the much better movie! This one is number two though on misleading titles that sound like they should feature zombies! It is also number two of the horror movies featuring those rockets that aren't quite fireworks. Of course, it did not have a shot in hell at number one because The Gate is clearly number one there! Not only does it feature them, they are used to dispatch the evil and it's a pretty good horror film. This film, it kind of vanishes and it is clearly not a good movie.
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Indie haunted house yarn
Leofwine_draca29 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
VENGEANCE OF THE DEAD is a local, shot-on-video horror story made by some amateur filmmakers in Wisconsin. Due to the extremely low budget it's not really very good at all, but fans of independent cinema might still get a kick out of it. This turgid haunted house story sees a young man heading off to his grandfather's rural farmstead, where he's haunted by dreams about falling in love with a ghost girl. Meanwhile, an unknown killer is butchering those in the vicinity. This is clearly inspired by THE AMITYVILLE HORROR et al but it's nowhere near as effective and that budget is just too low to do the subject matter justice.
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Some interesting ideas, but doesn't fulfil its potential.
BA_Harrison16 April 2009
Poor production values and a plot that is stretched way too thin to support a feature length film (even one with a tight running time of 72 minutes) undermine some interesting ideas and sometimes effective direction from independent writer/directors Don Adams and Harry James Picardi.

Their one dimensional story of a teen possessed by the vengeful ghosts of a murdered family plays out in a far too predictable fashion and provides too few answers to some burning questions (Why have the ghosts waited so long to seek revenge? What is the relevance of the spoon?), and any genuine moments of originality and inventiveness are overwhelmed by risible dialogue, shoddy video effects and amateurish acting.

A creepy moment early on, involving the ghost of a little girl on a swing, proves that the guys can create atmosphere and deliver an effective scare when necessary, and a delightfully twisted scene in which a pervy old man spies on his granddaughter in the shower earns them points for being willing to push the envelope, but to really do their ideas justice in future, Adams and Picardi really need to drum up some more cash for that professional finish and get themselves a decent cast.
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Good idea gone bad...
imusade20 July 2002
It's quite tragic when a fresh idea gets thrown out in the form of a horrific film, but this movie delivers just that. While the underlying plot is actually quite intriguing and original, the movie is simply so poorly made that one cannot forgive the creators. The opening dialogoue between the two main characters is a perfect example of what you're getting into when you view this film. You can't even understand what the two men are saying. The picture quality is worse than a fifty year old second-hand camera. The acting is horrible, the scripting is horrible, the camera work is horrible.. The movie is horrible. Don't waste your time, money, or eyesight.
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alistairc_200021 September 2012
At the start of this movie you see a car driving down a deserted road. It looked like it was shot on a Camcorder. Nothing much happens until 40 minutes. Then there a couple of murders. This is the vengeance of the dead. At 50 minutes a guy checks out his grand daughter in the shower (she is 20 something). He gets it but why? He has not murdered anyone so why are the dead taking their vengeance out on him?

This movie is dull. It is badly shot. The story is muddled and confusing. On a plus side the music is sombre throughout and is good for a horror movie. Sorry about the formatting issues IMDb no longer allows shot reviews so I have to faff around with the formatting.

The UK DVD has only one extra. That being a trailer for the movie. It would have been really good if the directors commentary for the movie. Then I could have found out more about the movie and it might have made sense. So in the Uk the prism DVD is bare bones.
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Nearly as good as the original Carnival of Souls
rixrex26 April 2006
Those who like thoughtful and interesting low-budget material will find this one a rough gem of sorts. It was a as captivating to me as the time I first saw the 1963 Carnival of Souls, and just as spooky. There is a lot to be said for the eerieness of the low-budget scare film that just does not have the cash to create big special effects and overwhelming music tracks. In fact, some of the creepiest moments on film come when there is no music track or very little music track. This tends to heighten the effect of reality, making everything seem a little too realistic. And without overblown special effects, the story and mood of the film must carry it along. While not perfect, this is a heck of a lot better than what passes for scares in most Hollywood productions. Ignore the 19 nitwits (at the time of this writing) who voted this film a "one", they obviously either have an negative agenda to push against this movie, or they can't sit through anything that doesn't have a gore-laden dismemberment every ten minutes, where plot doesn't matter. It's worth a couple of bucks to rent or to buy a used tape.
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No Sense!
jillhoffman1-569-28596227 February 2021
There can be no spoilers here because there aren't any! The longer I watched the film, the more confused I got. When the end credits came, I actually sat up and said, "What? That's it? Huh??" No clue.

The only saving grace is watching this with Rifftrax.

If I could give this film less than one star, I would.
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Vengeance of the camp
Bezenby21 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Is this another US regional horror film? If so, then why do I end up with these things? I live thousands of miles away from the US.

This is another z-grade movie with non-actors and a non-budget. I'll give it some credit for trying something different, but the first full half of the film just bored me to tears. However, the film decides to grow some knackers halfway and starts throwing in some nudity and gore to keep the viewer awake.

Some guy goes to live with his grampa and finds a spoon. All spoons are evil and this one is no different, so the guy starts dreaming of a ghost kid and starts sleepwalking around the place, wasting old men (and a corpse, which seemed kind of a waste of time). Gradually (and predictably) we find out why all this is happening, although the spoon angle is kind of dropped from the plot.

Dodgy acting (the lead guy is as camp as anything) tries to drive this film into the ground, but you do see some decent pyrotechnics and gore later in the film, so you might want to give it a chance. You might like it better than I did.
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wingedcherokee16 December 2004
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this movie a few years ago. It's odd. Sometimes even nasty, especially that part where that grandpa's jerking off in the basement looking at his granddaughter. I didn't expect a lot of the twists though. I remember after I saw this movie I carried around a spoon for about 3 weeks. I couldn't remember what it was called, so we called it the spoon movie. *shrug* Hehehehe. Good if you're in to cheesy horror and want to kill some time. Which is me most of the time. I like it when he sets all those people on fire. It took me a couple of times to watch it to understand what was going on with that little girl though. That was just odd.
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Grilled Cheeseheads
johnoakdalton1 July 2002
A tidy horror/thriller from Wisconsin filmmakers Adams and Picardi with lots of twists and turns and many offbeat touches. A young guy goes to visit his grandpa down on the farm, and soon is spending those soft summer nights sleepwalking and torching elderly neighbors, apparently coaxed/goaded along by some restless ghosts. I watched the DVD, which was chock-full of cool extras about the filmmakers and their projects. VENGEANCE OF THE DEAD is what solid b-movie filmmaking looks like.
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Not bad...
pizowell4 January 2002
A young man travels to his grandfathers house, finds an old spoon and soon starts to have visions of a brutal murder. Before you know it Eric (Galvin) is guided by a ghostly force to kill a bunch of old men.

I didn't expect much from VOTD when I popped in the DVD player, but by the end I was pleasantly surprised. VOTD turns out to a be a competently made and interesting low budget flick that I got into. Writer/director Don Adams and Harry Picardi show alot of potential here and could have done much better with more money and a cast of professional actors. They give us some cool moments and use the DV camera in some pretty interesting ways. The acting isn't great and the sound and picture quality is pretty bad. It runs a little too long for its own good and drags along the way. By the middle of the flick I figured out what the twist was, but in the end it still disturbed me and I felt fulfilled. VOTD is an original little flick with alot of good qualities in its favor.

Vengeance Of The Dead has its problems, but is a solid flick with alot of potential. Its a valiant effort all around, but would have benefited from a tighter script, a bigger budget, and professional actors. I still recommend you check it out. I've seen much bigger flicks that have been much worse.

DVD Details: Trailers, director commentary, teaser and making of War Wolf (Adam and Picardi's next flick). The picture is very grainy and the sound quality is pretty bad. Not a good DVD transfer.
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An unassuming low-budget ghost chiller
tdeladeriere13 June 2011
That flashy box-cover fooled me into thinking I was getting into a silly, fun Charles Band ride. It was all the more difficult after that to get into the mood for this very spare ghost chiller, but I was hooked in 5 minutes.

The prologue sees a young man (possibly gay ?) driving through the country to greet his grandfather after some time in the city. The farm is modest, the fields never-ending and grandpa is full of love for his grandson. Then visions of the past haunt the son's dreams, until he finds himself sleepwalking into some of his granddad's old friends' burn them.

The ghost story is simple and reminiscent of "The Nesting", and probably a few other ghost movies. The lead looks convincingly lost in the situation he's put in (and obviously lost in a few other areas of his life). The settings adequately serve the haunting storyline, as this town is clearly a town where nothing happens and secrets stay buried.

Although there was no surprise to be found, the creepy pace of the movie and a modest but distinctive direction kept me interested all the way through.
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