Magic Christmas Tree (1964) Poster

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A wretched mess
bensonmum222 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Magic Christmas Tree is easily one of the worst things I've ever taken the time to watch. It's a complete wretched mess of a movie. I've seen home movies that look less amateurish than this piece of rubbish. If you care to look, you'll find that Magic Christmas Tree is the only credit listed on IMDb for almost all of the "actors" and the director. This isn't "so bad it's good" - this is just God awful. And can someone tell me why the title isn't THE Magic Christmas Tree? Calling it Magic Christmas Tree without THE just sounds dumb.

Things you'll find in Magic Christmas Tree you won't find in any other Christmas movie:

1. A man trying over and over and over to start his lawnmower.

2. The same man destroying his mower when he runs into a tree he didn't know was there.

3. A man reading the morning paper unable to find any story about the flash of lightning he saw just few hours earlier.

4. A frightening giant threatening to kidnap all the children watching at home.

5. Trading a meatloaf sandwich for a bologna sandwich and a banana.

6. A boy who keeps a giant turtle in the drawer of his nightstand.

7. A baker chasing a woman with a pie down the same street over and over.

8. A lawnmower than sounds like the horn on a clown car.

9. A witch who gives a boy a cheap looking Santa ring.

10. A cat named Lucifer stuck in the top of a tree.
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nccollins-112 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is so bad it can only be watched with a sense of humour. It contains such scenes as a race between a man pushing a lawn mower and a turtle. The acting in this movie is pretty bad, and the plot is confusing. Due to poor editing the sound is off for some of the scenes (such as the chopping the Christmas tree down). The sound of ax hitting the tree is delayed by almost a second. Furthermore, there are some scenes which do not relate to the plot (what little there is), for example the scenes with the mother on the phone with her friend. The audience gets to hear one side of the conversation, with no advancement of the plot, and it doesn't really tie in to the rest of the movie. I have fond memories of literally rolling around on the floor laughing at this movie. It is literally this funny. It is now a family joke about the taste of the person who rented it thinking it would be a nice family Christmas movie. Needless to say they aren't encouraged to rent movies on their own anymore.
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Not that disturbing, just extremely bad
orangelifer7 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I had heard of this film when I happened upon it at a thrift store. I figured "why not?" and bought it. I had expected a truly disconcerting and ominous film. Okay,it is kinda creepy,but that is mostly because it us just so oddly bad. I don't see the tree as "evil" as some do. I think it was supposed to be an agent of good,although I don't see what good comes of a boy wrecking havoc in his community by making people chase each other and run after their delivery trucks. Overall,the tree seemed to be helping...I think. Mostly what I notice about this film is that it has almost no plot,terrible acting,and boring scenes that go on forever. The lawnmower scene is pretty excruciating. But the idea is a bit creative,even if it goes nowhere,and the fact the filmmaker chose to have one the three friends at the beginning be a black child was at least a bit progressive for 1964. The film has maybe a few merits.(By the way,whoever thought this movie was homoerotic must think that EVERY film is homoerotic.I just don't see it.) So,yes,it's bad,it's creepy,and it would probably scare some children,but I don't think this is the evil monstrosity that some say it is.
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"What is it that there is nothing in the paper about?"
Gangsteroctopus14 November 2001
That is, in fact, an actual line of dialogue from the film, and it gives you a pretty good idea of what to expect. In other words...low, low budget; elementary school-level acting; post-synched dialogue (a la Coleman Francis); and a plot that seems like it was made up as they went along. For those of us who love movies that are so excruciatingly awful that they go full circle into the territory of unintentionally surreal brilliance, then this is totally for you.

The "wacky" lawnmower-starting scene goes on FOREVER. I kept waiting for the dad to run over Ichabod, the tortoise.

I can totally imagine seeing this projected in 16mm on a white-painted brick wall back when I was in grade school at Green Lake Elementary.

It's like a kids' film directed by the people at Centron. This is one of those weird, institutional-feeling movies that would seem to be perfect fodder for the MST3K guys. But really, it's sufficiently goofy enough on its own to provide an hour's worth of perverse amusement.

If you can track down a copy I highly recommend it. I use it every year to torture my family.
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BandSAboutMovies25 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Much like The Wizard of Oz, The Magic Christmas Tree thinks that reality is in black and white while dreams are in color. Both films have a witch. Both movies have wishes. But only one of them had a budget. And only one of them is a classic beloved by families for generations.

Sorry Richard C. Parish. Your one and done directorial effort isn't getting a 4K re-release this year.

In the black and white real world, three boys are walking home from school on Halloween. One of them, Mark, helps a witch get her cat Lucifer out of a tree. The moment someone told me I had to climb a tree to save a demonic cat, I would honestly be out of there, but Mark instead falls out of the tree and gets knocked out.

When he wakes up, the witch gives him a magic ring, as well as some magic seeds that need planted. On Thanksgiving, while everyone else is sleeping off the turkey, Mark is combining the wishbone of a turkey with the magic seeds and the magic words and the magic ring to grow the magic Christmas tree. His turtle Ichabod just watches in terror as Mark engages in a rite of eroto-comatose lucidity.

This tree that grows is unkillable, even when Mark's dad cuts the grass in the middle of November. I guess we should assume that they live in California. Also - Mark's dad is played by the director and his dialogue appears to appear as if by magic. In fact, this entire film appears dubbed even when it isn't.

While Ichabod the turtle eats the grass, dad has a wacky grass cutting session that ends up with the mower in flames and him acting drunk. The way he talks to his wife, you can only assume how he really treats her. This film cuts deeply into the dark underbelly of post-war America. The dream is dead. The power mower is in flames. The Christmas tree is alive.

That's right. On Christmas Eve, the Magic Tree comes to life and can talk. It grants Mark three wishes. The Magic Christmas Tree also speaks with all the snark and pomp of Charles Nelson Reilly. Seriously, it's as if the tree has seen it all and is bored with this charade. He's merely indulging Mark.

Now, Mark's a smart kid, so he wishes for an hour of absolute power, which he promptly is corrupted by absolutely. That said, he's not that smart, because why wish for only an hour? Just wish for absolute power. Don't put any limits on it, Mark. And don't talk to trees.

What does Mark do with all that power? He makes flowers appear and disappear. Mark has obviously not gone through puberty, because if I had magic power in 1964, I would use the entire hour with Barbara Steele. Or Mamie Van Doren. Or Bardeau. Ah, you get the picture, even if Mark doesn't.

Instead, he makes people run all over the place and throw pies in one another's faces, but the camera is so far away you may wonder exactly what's happening. It's all kind of like Benny Hill but terrifying instead of madcap. Firemen get pies in their faces while their antique engines careen out of control. Happy holidays, La Verne, California. Hope you survive the experience.

Yes, the same town where the wedding scene in The Graduate was shot (and Wayne's World 2) is subject to the Magic Christmas Tree gifting Mark with the power to be a complete jerk.

Mark's second wish is to have Santa Claus all to himself. He couldn't think of any other wishes. I mean, you have any power in the world and you can't think of a wish?

Santa really seems like he's senile. He also seems like he can't stand up from the chair he's stuck in.

This wish causes every other child in the world to grow very sad, so Mark uses his third wish to send Santa back to the children. That's because he gets sent to a pocket dimension where his selfishness leads him to meet the very personification of Greed. The giant man yells, "You are my little boy!" and offers him a mountain of cake and toys to stay.

Greed is played by Pittsburgh native Robert "Big Buck" Maffei, who uses his 7'1" frame to his advantage, playing monsters and aliens in a ton of television shows and movies, including a creature (actually a Taurus II anthropoid) in "The Galileo Seven" episode of Star Trek and the giant cyclops on Lost In Space. His last movie appearance was in Cheech and Chong's Nice Dreams.

Mark gives Santa back to the children. But of course, it was all a dream. A horrible, horrible dream. Maybe Mark learned something. Maybe we all did.

The jerks at Goodtimes released this on VHS in 1992, pairing it with Rene Cardona's Santa Claus. I can't imagine a more horrifying double feature ever - the battle of Santa and Patch directed by the man who brought you Night of the Bloody Apes paired with this film that feels like it was shot on one of those Price Is Right Showcase Showdown sets with all of the lights turned out.

I would advise you to avoid it and ensure that your Christmas Day isn't filled with relentless horror.
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The partridge in your "bad-Christmas-movie-marathon" pear tree
yourmotheratemydog71524 December 2018
You know a film's going to be good when it starts with a three-minute bologna sandwich exchange.

Truly bizarre, essentially plotless '60s family flick that should've been a 10-minute short, but is instead padded out by endless scenes of newspaper reading, lawnmower starting, and pointless dialogue read by a boy with the most over-the-top, '50s-educational-film voice in the world ("WOW, GOSH, GEEZ!"). After about half an hour of actually nothing happening, the boy gets his magic Christmas tree which will grant him three wishes, but the boy has NO IDEAS. He has had a magic ring for TWO MONTHS and can't think of a single thing that he wants. Just awesome.

The whole thing looks and feels like it was improvised completely on the spot. Aware of its own pointlessness, it randomly becomes a morality play for five minutes (a morality play with a random forest giant, no less!) before wrapping things up as haphazardly as they started. MAGIC CHRISTMAS TREE is as delirious and disastrous as they come and is probably at least partially responsible for the higher suicide rates during the Christmas season.

Best line: "I guess I'll have to find another selfish boy to be my slave!"
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Two thirds Christmas movie, one third Halloween movie, one wholly awful movie.
Zbigniew_Krycsiwiki31 December 2016
Black-and-white awfulness about a trio of little brats dare each other to go into a witch's house at Halloween, as the audience hopes she'll curse them all and make them watch this godawful tale. One of these nitwits saves her kitty from a tree, and as a reward, she gives the kid a ring she bought out of a vending machine, and she apparently gives the cinematographer colour film, as the film then switches to colour, which looks even worse than the earlier poor quality black-and-white footage.

Said vending machine ring grants this little blockhead three wishes, and eventually a pedophilic, talking, yawning tree appears in his backyard. In one of the most lengthy, ponderous scenes, dad spends several minutes getting his Fred Flintstone lawn mower started, and tries to mow it down, but apparently this tree is made of iron, and it explodes his mower, and flips him on his back.

There is a message herein, a Christmas message, about not trying to mow down, or hack down demonically possessed, spontaneously appearing, talking Christmas trees given by witches on Halloween, because if you do, you'll have to watch this film for all eternity.

Nothing more than home movies shot in someone's home, with obnoxious people in the roles, and seemingly edited by using the aforementioned lawn mower, with numerous edits in the middle of a sentence, out-of-sync audio, and constantly uneven audio levels.

Only worth watching just to make fun of the film as it's playing, but the pedophilic giant is just creepy, and ruins any unintentional laughs. Oh, then the footage switches back to black-and-white again.
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A horrible plot with fast motion.
mazaremba15 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This has got to be the worst movie ever written by mankind. The film starts out in black and white and suddenly it is in color. However, the transition is not as "magic" as the Wizard of Oz. The reason for this: the audio does not ever line up with the peoples mouth movements.

The plot is somewhat like this: "Marc's" friends are babies and won't follow him up on a dare. So Marc goes and sees the crazy witch and gets her cat down from a tree. Presto! A reward is given to him...all he has to do is plant the ring and he will get a magic tree. So we move through the calendar. Now it's Thanksgiving, and before you know it, we have Xmas Eve. If you have survived this long, you know about the horrible lawn mowing scene, that is way too long. Long story short: the rest of the movie makes no sense, "Marc" learns a lesson about being greedy, and everything ends out OK...wish I could say the same for my brain.

When someone can explain the giant man in the forest to me, I'll listen, but I doubt that it will make any sort of sense.
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When You Wish Upon a Tree
ExplorerDS678916 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
When you think of classic children's Christmas specials from the 1960s, what do you usually think of? Rudolph, The Grinch, Frosty... The Magic Christmas Tree? I first heard about this movie in a review by the Cinema Snob, and it was unlike the movies he usually reviews, but ever since then I had wanted to watch it all the way through for myself to determine if it's really as ridiculous and removed from reality as he said. Well, in short, he was right. I guess they thought kids in the 1960s were extremely easy to entertain, as there is very little effort put into this movie. It's all noise, bad acting, and bad camerawork. What about the story, is it any good? Well, it all started when young Mark was having lunch with his friends at school. Even though this is a Christmas movie, it actually starts on Halloween. As such, Mark dares his school chums to go with him to the old Finch place, which they want to avoid as the old woman who lives there is supposedly a witch. They venture up to the old spooky house where Mark's friends finally chicken out, so the boy decides to go in alone. That's when the old woman catches him and requests his help in climbing up a tree and rescue her cat, Lucifer. She must be a fan of Disney's Cinderella... which I could be watching instead of this. Mark is hesitant, but the creepy old woman manages to talk him into it, and so up he goes... and then down he comes, falling flat on his back on the lawn. I'd say that old "witch" would be looking at a lawsuit if Mark got hurt, but on the other hand, the boy was trespassing, so I don't know. Thankfully he's alright, but when he wakes up, everything seems different. That's because the world is now in Technicolor, and the old woman is dressed like a witch for some reason. To thank him for giving her a good laugh when he fell out of that tree, she gives him a magic Christmas ring, and in that ring is a seed. If he plants that seed and says the magic words, a tree will grow which will then grant him three wishes. Eh, must be the concussion talking. But either way, he waits until Thanksgiving to plant it, as the witch told him he must plant the seed along with a turkey wishbone. Makes sense, wishes, wishbone. He plants them in the backyard late at night, then he recites the magic words, triggering a flash of lightning and a crash of thunder. But did the spell work? Sure did, a tree appeared almost instantly, and if you thought this movie was already slowly paced, you ain't seen nothing yet, because now it's time to watch Mark's dad mow the lawn. We get to watch him try to start the mower in real time. If at first you don't succeed, try, try, try, try, try again.

Eight tries and a hundred annoying sound effects later, he finally gets the lawnmower going, and we get to watch him mow in real time too. I know we didn't have much of a plot to go on, but did we really need all this padding? Anyway, either Dad is blind or just plain stupid as he crashes right into the tree. Oh come on, even Stevie Wonder would've seen that tree there. Dad wants to cut it down, but Mom tells him not to. In response, Dad tells her to go back inside and leave him alone. You know, these two kinda remind me of my grandparents, but at least my grandfather never ran his lawnmower into a tree that he didn't see right in front of him. Now, this tree must be made of titanium, because Dad can't chop it down. As a result, he declares it one of the family, and in this case, the tree is the smartest member. So now we flash forward to Christmas Eve, where Mark's parents and sister would be heading out to do some last minute shopping, leaving the boy home alone. He goes out back to see his magic tree, which actually speaks to him. He instructs Mark to say the magic words, which then teleports the tree into the living room, because I guess he was tired of the backyard. Once in the house and all nicely decorated, the surly tree encourages Mark to start making his wishes. First up, the boy wishes to be given magic powers for an hour. Can't see this going well. Mark first uses his power to bring forth daylight, then he proceeds to wreak havoc on the entire neighborhood! He makes cars take off on their own, including a police car. He causes two people to have a pie fight, and then the fire department join in the chase in the world's oldest fire engine. Just what the hell is going on here?! I think it's safe to say that Mark has become the villain. He doesn't seem to care about the people whose lives he's endangering. However, I think this whole first wish was just a fantasy sequence, because afterwards, Mark's family comes home from shopping as if nothing happened. Anyway, the little wiener-head isn't done yet, as his next wish is to have Santa Claus all to himself. We're supposed to LIKE this kid, aren't we? Well, his wish is the tree's command, for very soon Jolly Old St. Nick finds himself a hostage in Mark's house. He's bluntly informed that he is a prisoner and solely belongs to Mark, who then demands Santa give him everything he wants on his list. Man, this kid is evil, and he is stirring up some pretty bad karma. He sure gets the scare of his life when he goes into the woods to try out the BB gun he forced Santa to give him, when he's confronted by a giant, who shows him just how greedy he was: a world wide search was being conducted to find Santa Claus. Glad the world had no other problems with which to attend. So finally realizing what a selfish punk he was, Mark uses his third wish to undo the damage he caused, and so Santa goes back to the North Pole and the Magic Christmas Tree disappears, having fulfilled its purpose. That's when Mark wakes up, back in black and white. The whole thing had been a dream... or was it? They try to blur the line between fantasy and reality by having the Magic Tree speak to him at the end, but for some reason, it's a different voice. What kind of an ending is that? Also I like how they tried to rip off The Wizard of Oz, another movie I could be watching instead.

In closing, this movie was boring. I can't imagine any kids being entertained by this, in 1964 or even today. The acting is terrible, and all the characters' voices are dubbed, and dubbed badly, nobody in this freaking thing knows how to act! This whole thing is just loud and obnoxious. The writing is horrible, the directing is horrible, and as far as editing, did this thing even have a competent editor? Scenes draw out and go on forever, so much of this could have been trimmed out and given it a cool thirty minute run time. Mark digging the hole, to Dad starting the lawnmower, then mowing the lawn, then trying to chop down the tree, and Mark wreaking havoc on the neighborhood, there is so much padding and so little focus on what little story they had. I'm not sure why this movie exists or who the intended audience is, but it really fails on all levels. Kids are smarter than this! In fact, the production and overall look of the film seems like it's more out of the '50s than the '60s. I wonder if it was filmed a decade earlier and shelved. Maybe it should've stayed there. In closing, do I recommend The Magic Christmas Tree? Eh, just watch The Cinema Snob's review. No need to torture yourself for an hour like I did. If you want to watch a better Christmas special about a tree, I'd recommend The Tiny Tree (1975). On the other hand, there are far worse tree-centered specials out there, like The Christmas Tree (1991). Where does The Magic Christmas Tree fall? I'd say just above the halfway point.
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No Christmas is complete without abduction, numerous instances of public disorder, and of course a talking tree.
ofpsmith12 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Mark (Chris Koesen) is a young, condescending boy who decides to go up to a witch's house on Halloween (just bear with me) with his two friends. When his two friends decide they don't want to go up into a creepy house with the annoying jerk who pressures them into things, Mark is left by himself. When the old woman who lives there (Valerie Hobbs) asks Mark to get her cat out of a tree, Mark falls down and has a crazy dream. In it, the old woman is a witch who grants Mark three wishes in the form of a magic tree. The magic tree shows up soon, and Mark's first wish is to annoy some people. Basically he causes a number of people to lose their vehicles and generally uses his power to be a jerk. Then he decides to abduct Santa Claus for his very own (don't you just get that holiday feeling when you read that). But soon he realizes the pain he's caused and releases Santa. Then he wakes up from his dream. As bad a disjointed and confused mess that this film is, it is still much better, and has much more to do with Christmas than anything in Santa and the Ice Cream Bunny. I can really only recommend the Rifftrax. The film itself is pretty terrible.
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Watch a very dim child and the magic tree!
Aaron13756 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
A film that starts out in black and white and ends with the it's all a dream crap made for a bizarre Christmas film as it is the least Christmas, Christmas film I have ever seen! Seriously, the guy is mowing the lawn in November, by that time in the year, most of the country is raking leaves! Stupid premise, an extremely dumb kid and a very snarky magic tree!

The story, a boy and his two buddies trade lunches and then the husky child, Mark says he is going to be going to the old haunted house as it is Halloween! They do this, and the two children chicken out leaving husky to the strange old woman who asks the chubby kid to climb her tree to get kitty out, he does, falls and then the black and white film turns to color and of course you know it's a dream. He gets a magic ring with several instructions on how to get a magic tree and of course like all people, Mark dreams about things he is not even there to witness...okay, no one does this, nor do they dream of months passing! Well he gets his tree and immediately wastes his three wishes as he is stupid. "I can't think of anything" he tells the tree, before kidnapping Santa and asking Santa for numerous, Mark, you could have just wished for toys you lunkhead!

Just stupid all around, and pretty sure there is no greed giant that gets anyone because sure are a bit too many greedy individuals for him to chose from and doesn't. Lots of things just do not make sense either as a father cuts grass and crashes into the tree because it was not there before. It was in his field of vision the entire time, I may not have planted a tree but I can see them!

So, not a good film, but worth checking out because it is just so weird. Though frustrating because I have to watch this dumb kid squander his three wishes on stupid things! They also needed to end the wishes on a more grizzly note, what is the point of it being all a dream if everything in the dream ended so mundanely?
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Not as bad if you laugh through it
societialreform1 May 2015
I watched the Rifftrax version of this and laughed all the way through it. I did notice the demonic tone, but Bill, Mike and Kevin kept it at bay by making fun of the fat kid, the parents and even the tree itself. If you want to see it, watch the Rifftrax version. I was shocked to see a film made in the early 60s with three little boys as friends and one of them was BLACK, not something to be expected at that time when schools were not yet integrated, but if you are watching a demonic Christmas Tress turning little kids into Satanic minions on the night of Christ's birth, not accepting the three as friends seems, to me, as stupid as refusing to swallow an aspirin after one has just swallowed a door knob.
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Deliciously BAD!!!
shark-4310 August 2007
THE MAGIC Christmas TREE is one of the worst kiddie movies ever made. Obviously made with NO budget, the acting is atrocious - the guy who plays the father has a scene where he tries to start the family lawn mower and this "bit" goes on FOREVER - he pulls the chord - nothing - he pulls the chord - nothing - but they always add absurd sound effects with each pull! Circus horns, whatever, etc.....this disaster isn't quite as good/bad as Santa Claus and the Ice Cream Bunny but it sure is close. The scene where the little boy is lost in the woods and confronted by a giant "woodsman" is one of the creepiest things I've ever seen - it unintentionally is more uncomfortable than Ned Beatty's scenes in Deliverance. Obviously this thing was made for nothing and probably shown at schools and churches and such. Man, the only good performance in the whole thing is given by Ichabod, an actual tortoise who is shown eating clover (LOTS of clover - they obviously show this a lot only because they hoped to "pad" the running time of the movie.)
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unintentionally creepy Christmas tale.
navypablo1 May 2010
My wife and I both had head aches while watching this film. This satanic Christmas diddy should be shown in film schools as an example of how not to make a movie. From the incredibly bad editing to the atrocious acting, the remarkably bad lighting to the unsettling, nonsensical plot this film fails on all cylinders. My wife commented that she wished everyone in this movie would die except the turtle. It's easy to understand her feelings. There is one scene with an obese man who is supposed to be a giant that is especially disconcerting. But most harmful to any child who is unfortunate enough to view this is the message (if one can really be derived). It seems in the end that a satanic Christmas tree, brought into existence by black magic is to be desired by children on the night of Christs birth because it can grant the child awesome, evil powers over mankind and even help him to kidnap large jolly fat men. Unsettling.It's even more odd in that it takes place with in that classic 1950's nuclear house hold. Very unsettling, though often funny for it's extreme inability to get anything right.
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Don't inhale, may cause dain bramage.
nprata24 December 2001
Think of a seriously shoddy and underbudgeted TV movie from yesteryear, add strong dashes of evil and homoeroticism, and hire a cast missing half their chromosomes and you'll end up with THE MAGIC CHRISTMAS TREE. The only "magic" is that this piece of junk was made at all. I can't help but wonder if the executive who signed off on it lost his job...we can only hope. Let me put it another way, the blurb on the VHS, and most of the reviews can't agree on little things like the main character's name or whether or not the "movie" takes place with snow on the ground; I suspect the critics could not bear to watch the whole thing. A trite and joyless experience that will leave you rummaging through the medicine cabinet.
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It is a cute story....
srmccarthy16 July 2000
I know it is silly and hard to believe, but (speaking from my childhood) I LIKED IT!!! I watched it when I was young (and liked it) and I watched it a couple weeks ago AND LIKED IT!! It is silly and SHOULD BE, because IT IS A KIDS MOVIE!!!!!! I liked its "Leave It To Beaver" beginning, and the 1960's style performance. I might be wrong, as I am 34 years old.

Perhaps this movie can only be judged perspectively by a child.
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lemon_magic18 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I am watching Rifftrax riff on this turgid little kiddie's flick and I can't believe my eyes. (And I managed to sit through "Deafula" and "The Magic Land Of Mother Goose).

Badly shot, badly miked, badly sound synced, static, dull, confusing and annoying by turns, this weird little out-of-body experience makes no sense at all, even as a kiddie's fantasy. I have no idea what in the world the script writer and the director were trying to do, and I'm pretty sure they didn't know either.

Not sorry I saw it as a Rifftrax experience, but I can't imagine the audience's reaction when this was shown for the first time in some junior high auditorium.
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Wait... This is a Christmas Movie?!
geminiredblue14 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
*SSSSIIIIGGGGHHHH!!!!* Thank God for RiffTrax, yet again! Recently, the gang tackled this film. And, as usual, turned up a winner! What do you get when you have a cat named Lucifer (yes, Lucifer), a witch, a sarcastic talking Christmas tree, and a plot that involves kidnapping Santa? Why, a deeply disturbing movie, naturally! Here's the slim plot: Three boys dare each other to walk past a "haunted house" lived in by an old witch. The old women is having trouble getting her cat, Lucifer, out of a tree. She kindly asks one of the boys to help her. Reluctantly, he agrees. But upon falling and waking up, he's now in color (WIZARD OF OZ rip-off) and the witch gives him a reward: A magic ring and seed. A month or so goes by, and then the boy plants the seed. It grows into a lisping sarcastic Christmas tree. The tree grants the obnoxious boy three wishes. As for the rest, I'll leave it up to you the viewer to discover. But don't say I didn't warn you!
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Boy gets wishes granted from the Magic Christmastree
CharCharpi28 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
If you like scary Halloween movies and joyful Christmas movies, you will love this film. This film opens in black-&-white. It is late afternoon on Halloween in a small Western town. Three boys are walking home from school when they pass a spooky, ugly old house. The townspeople say that an evil witch lives there. The boys are terrified but curious.

One of the boys summons the courage to actually sneak into the yard. Suddenly, an old woman grabs him by the arm and he yells in terror! However, the old woman just wants him to help her get her cat out of a tree. He climbs the tree to get the cat out but he slips and falls on his head and is knocked unconscious. The cat then jumps out of the tree at which point, the film switches to color.

When the boy awakens, he sees that the spooky, ugly old house is now a beautiful mansion in the midst of a lush, green tropical paradise. The old woman is a beautiful young woman who really is a witch! The witch gives the boy a magic ring which has a secret compartment. In that compartment is a seed that will grow a magic Christmas tree. The witch explains that when he wears the ring, the Christmas tree will grant him three wishes.

Late one night, he plants the seed and by sunrise the next morning, a large, magnificent Christmas tree had grown. He then makes his three wishes.

His first wish is to have power. When the Christmas tree grants him the power, he gains the ability to turn objects into completely different objects, make cars and trucks move in any direction he wants them to move and to make people do whatever he wants just by pointing his finger at them.

However, he is not satisfied so, he makes his second wish. He wishes to have Santa Claus all to himself. When the Christmas tree grants this wish, he makes Santa his slave and forces him to give him more presents than he had ever dreamed of having before. Meanwhile, others are wondering what happened to Santa Claus. People all over the world from the New York Police Department to the Sacramento National Guard start looking for Santa Claus but because the boy has enslaved Santa, no one can find him.

However, despite his great powers and his control over Santa Claus, the boy is still not satisfied and he has only one wish left! What is his final wish? Watch this film to find out.

I liked the way this film uses black-&-white and color film to distinguish between the ordinary small town life and the Land of Magic. It reminded me of how the movie Wizard of Oz used black-&-white and color film to distinguish between ordinary Kansas farm life and the Land of Oz.
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