Hide and Seek (Video 2000) Poster

(2000 Video)

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rather disturbing movie
rishardana22 October 2000
The acting especially delivered by Jennifer Tilly is surprisingly very good. The plot is rather disturbing but still enjoyable. There are many thrilling moments especially dealing with Tilly's rather psychotic character. All in all it's quite an entertainment, better than what we expected, since we had nothing to do and decided to watch this at the cinema and found out that it's a suspense Stephen King type of movie.

The story line is about two couple dying to have a baby of their own and tangled in a rather mad confrontation which include kidnapping and murders with a rather interesting background. But i think you better watch this at home...
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Jennifer Tilly is so creepy!
narcissa-m3 February 2006
I thought this movie was called "Hide and Seek". I saw this at a party with all my friends and it freaked me out! I had no idea what it was about before we watched it, but I understood it completely. I couldn't sleep that night (luckily it was a sleepover). All the actors do a great job; especially Jennifer Tilly's character Helen; you just want her to die by the time the movie nears an end. This is a must see movie for people who love suspense. There are a few gory spots, but if you are an anti blood person, you can probably handle this. I am not a scary movie person, but even for me this was super good! You will never get bored during the film because you want to see the end!
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Overlook the lapses of logic.........enjoy the weirdness.............
merklekranz19 December 2008
First, the title whether it is "Cord" or "Hide and Seek", is totally inadequate for a movie that is so over the top. I suggest "Mom and Dad Go Mad" as a reasonable substitute. Second, even though there are severe shortcomings in the logic department, example being the police buffoonery or hospital security, don't over analyze because it will make you crazy. Speaking of crazy, this is where the movie shines. Both Jennifer Tilly and Vincent Gallo, chew scenery, and this is the films undeniable strength. "Hide and Seek" can best be described as entertaining and unbelievable. Even if it doesn't all make sense, I recommend seeing this unusual, wonderful, "train wreck" of a movie. - MERK
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Off the wall and hilarious!
sibisi7319 November 2001
From the outset, 'Hide and Seek' promises more than it can deliver, and left me not only disappointed, but also a little disturbed.

It storms straight into the story with Anne (Hannah) kidnapped by an intruder. With a series of flashbacks we are told that she was expecting a child, only to be informed at the hospital that she has made a mistake and is, in fact, not pregnant. It transpires that the guy doing the tests is the kidnapper, and he and his wife plan to hold Anne captive throughout her pregnancy, ultimately killing her and keeping the baby as their own.

There is a glimmer of an original idea behind this, but it is so badly executed that after about 45 minutes it really begins to drag. Obviously, the comparisons to 'Misery' are expected, but if you thought Kathy Bates' performance was over the top, wait until you see Jennifer Tilly! - not so much a woman on the edge, more like 200 miles over it! She sounds like a demented 'Mickey Mouse' (check out the bedroom scene, she even has the ears!) and grows ever more unbelievable, swinging from charming host to psycho killer in a flash. But this show degenerates into farce, particularly in the scene with the 'diaper service'. I was in hysterics! A totally unbelievable character, and therefore lacking in any malice, and providing no suspense whatsoever. The rest of the movie is full of such glaring plotholes that it comes across like a cheesy TV movie, with the whole idea leaving a nasty taste.

Watch it for Tilly if nothing else. You won't forget it!!
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I can't believe I lived through it
heidi4127113 October 2002
There were times during the movie I wish I had been beat to death. The only reason I endured the entirety of the movie was because I couldn't believe how bad it really was and thought it must get better. This truly was a horror film. I was horrified that I wasted what seemed like 4 hours of my life that I will never get back. The other two hours I spent mourning at the loss. Please recommend this movie to whomever you wish to torture and tell them the suspense will kill them.
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ajwinslow-19 June 2019
Miscatagorized as a Crime Drama when in reality its one of the funniest movies Ive seen in a while! Jennifer Tilley plays a great crazy woman. Well worth a watch!
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Absolutely appalling.
Voxel-Ux6 March 2004
It is not often I watch a film that is as dreadful as this one. I continued to watch, every minute hoping that this was intended as a joke only to find it was meant to be taken seriously. Well, as seriously as this genre requests.

The acting was disgraceful and the situations horribly contrived and clichéd. If a film was made in 1920 (for example) and had the quality of Hide & Seek (Cord) in its direction we would think that cinema back then was naive. As it happens, this film was made in 2000 and I have yet to see a film from the silent era that has as little charm as this one.

Definitely not for the serious movie-goer.

[Not worth a rating]
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vincent come on down
BtzLtd11 June 2019
Its a weird, weird day when im thinking vincent gallo was the actor holding the movie together. jennifer tilly is at 5x oddball here, disturbingly uneven but occasionally brilliant. daryl hannah is a non-factor, a "name" actor who is just a vehicle for the terror. definitely not up to "splash" form. all in all, its an interesting story concept that wasnt executed as well as it couldve been, and a somewhat rare standout performance by post-"buffalo 66" gallo. no regrets on this watch
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A profoundly nasty, offensive and deeply repulsive film
xorys19 November 2000
This movie raises a number of pressing questions in my mind. Firstly, how has Jennifer Tilly managed to sustain a film acting career for all these years based on that ridiculous squeaky voice and the very limited range of hammy facial expressions she employs? Secondly... what on earth were the people responsible for making this offensive and deeply repulsive film thinking of? And thirdly... given that there were people perverted enough to decide to make dreck like this, shouldn't there have been someone in the system - the studio, the distributors, or somewhere - sane enough to prevent it actually getting completed and released. You really would have to search a very, very long way to turn up another movie as profoundly nasty as this... and it isn't even billed as a horror movie - which, inasmuch as it can be seen as belonging to any legitimate film genre, it certainly is. The movie wallows from beginning to end in the sickest kind of madness, violence and abuse, and has essentially no redeeming features at all. I'm not actually advocating censorship (which I don't believe in)... but I really can't see how anybody could conceivably draw anything positive from watching a film like this.
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Exceeded Expectations !
skinny-103 June 2000
Didn't expect much so we were pleasantly surprised at the intensity and sincerity of the acting, and the various twists in the storyline, as well as the 'thrill content' of this thriller. To its credit, not as raunchy nor as gory as it could have been. A little hard to accept the kidnappers as so intelligent (vocabulary and medical concepts) and yet so demented (eg., the phantom fetus).
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Read this and save time
katlb9718 February 2003
I have read the other comment about this movie, and usually I try not to be harsh in my criticisms because I try to be a nice person. However, this movie is one of the worst movies that I have EVER seen (And thats topping a lot of bad USA Network plus Cinemax nights.) Whoever thought of this movie needs to be prevented from EVER making another one. This film disgusted me in a way that no other film ever. I REALLY think these people are insane. Just save your time and do not watch this fllm. Please - I wish that I had. The acting is horrible, the plot (what plot) is STUPID and degrading and insane. I really do not think this should have been made into a movie. But that is my opinion, and I am trying to save you from wasting your time.
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It entertains....but only just
Oggz16 December 2007
....and that in most part is due to Jennifer Tilly's wildly exaggerated performance - but then she's so hot anyway, check out "Bullets Over Broadway" - she rules. She does what she can (and much more) with a clumsily written character, and so does Gallo. The presence of Bruce Greenwood adds a cheap telemovie feel to this, while Hannah does reasonably well. The story is basically a new go at "Rosemary's Baby" without witchcraft but with syringes, and there's a more than a passing industrial nod to "Misery" and many other better flicks. The film bleeds to its expected end with no particular surprises or excitement. Still, watch it for Jenny....and root for her, she deserves the goddamn baby.
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Surprisingly good performances, frightening home viewing
JGWalker29 July 2000
We didn't know what to expect when we picked this out at the local video store. (Darryl Hannah has been in a number of one note performance dogs lately, never quite meeting her initial promise of Splash, Wall Street, etc. Meg Tilly has always been a favorite since The Big Chill.) At any rate, Hannah gives a well rounded vengeful, captive/victim, much better than I would have thought, while Tilly out does herself (reminiscent, in a strange way, of Sally Struthers in the original The Getaway, just when you think she can't get any more unhinged ....).

The movie has enough twists and turns and Fargo-ish scenery (filmed in the Canadian great plains, I believe) to be interesting and banally frightening. Enjoy. It's worth it, for a rental. I'd give it a seven.
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Good Idea shame about the execution
robwhittaker24 September 2001
I'm glad some people liked this, but I hated this film. It had a very good idea for a story line, but that's where it ended. It was badly written, badly acted and badly made.

It had some interesting plot points, but they were just skipped over too fast, the writers needed to realize what to keep in and expand on these bits, like lying about why she was kidnapped, and ditch the dross. Instead it was "what's going on?", 5 seconds later they tell you.

This film had no suspense, and I was bored from start to end. I just wanted it to finish.

Go and rent misery, or best laid plans if you want suspense or twists that keep you guessing to the end.
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Implausible to say the least
ejwestlake22 February 2004
Warning: Spoilers
The makers of this movie had to really stretch to make this work. Some things that bugged my partner and I about it: Anne tries to flag down a driver on a lonely country road and the driver DOES NOT STOP! Absurd given the part of the world she is in. Of course they would stop! Also, the doctor doesn't report the suspicious pregnant woman? The diaper service lady doesn't gossip? The husband is brushing his teeth and just stands there half listening to the answering machine? "Gee, that sort of sounds like my wife. I'd better just stand right here and half listen to it just in case it isn't. . . " The detective doesn't believe him and hangs up? And the director had to make sure that for some strange reason Anne's chains were abnormally long or the last scene just wouldn't work. Also, how is it that after all the beating and starving and drugging that the baby would be normal? It was just stretch after stretch after stretch. You get tired of shouting: "Oh, come ON!" after awhile. I loved Tilly in Bullets Over Broadway, but she's trying way too hard.
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Worst Movie in a Long Time...
chron31 May 2000
... and I have seen some bad ones.

I have nothing good to say about this movie. The acting is poor by Jennifer Tilly - as to be expected. Daryl Hannah does an OK job, but nothing close to being able to save this movie.

The biggest flaw in this film is that the plot is so weak - though based on a good premise - that the writer resorted to the "stupid heroine trick" to create a contrived suspense. When all Daryl Hannah would have to do is hide, she runs out in front of her pursuer. The hospital scene is absurd. Without exposing too much of what passes for a plot, I think it would be difficult for a bloody petite woman to carry a pregnant from a hospital without being noticed. Lame. Very lame.

Save yourself some time and pick out another flick.
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Hidden amazon prime gem
ohbebe-6584429 June 2019
Surprisingly a good movie. Jennifer Tully always plays a great crazy woman. The movie was entertaining. It's a great hidden amazon prime gem of a movie.
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Right between awful and terrible
jsmog28 March 2004
It's hard to criticize this movie, because I dislike the story itself, and no amount of good acting would have saved it. Think "Raising Arizona" with a mean streak. The acting is passable, but Jennifer Tilly is way over the top (yet not enough to make this a nice camp film) as usual, coming in somewhere between "Misery" and a sarcastic DMV employee. The rest of the cast have their brows perpetually knitted in consternation, either from the stress of their parts or the stress of the whole futile exercise. A real degrading few hours of film. Darryl Hannah spends most of the movie weeping too hard to be understood. I wish I could tell you how it ended but I walked out, sorry.
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Helen, the manic kidnapper
scrubber13 October 2022
Not sure why it's called Hide and Seek as Darryl Hannah has been kidnapped, so not really hiding and nobody is seeking because she is presumed dead after her car is found burnt out with the charred remains of a body inside. However, it involves a mad couple who have kidnapped her because she is pregnant and the childless couple want a baby. As in all kidnap stories the victim always briefly escapes but is recaptured due to making bad choices, like not battering the kidnapper when he is lying on the ground in front of her. So, the story is mainly centred in the very remote house where Anne (Hannah) is being held and the relationship she has with her kidnappers. Occasionally we see her husband dealing with the situation, sceptical that his wife is dead but with no clues as to where she might be. We learn that Frank the kidnapper is a medical professional , so is able to administer treatment to Anne whether she needs it or not, but the star of this film is Jennifer Tilly who plays Helen, the other half of the kidnapping duo, who is to be the mother when Anne's baby is born. She changes from immature schoolgirl mode to manic psychopath in the blink of an eye. Very worrying that anyone like her should be a mother. But entertaining none the less.

A decent effort with plenty of tension and not too gory, so OK for those who dislike gorefests.
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MarcusVitel14 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This movie starts presenting a somehow original idea but became a great frustration later on. What is the deal of having an original start if the rest of the movie did little to avoid a clichéd plot? The movie itself is very unbelievable. I would like to know how exactly someone enters a clinic, gets a nurse outfit, kills a doctor, takes out a patient in her bed, puts into his Chevy pickup and leaves? I guess no one could answer this question, so they just jumped to the other scene hiding these little details. The performances are just plain bad. The villain is just another "annoying crazy antagonist", no deepness, totally linear character. After 20 minutes of film, most scenes are unbelievable, seemed like they were put there just for the sake of the 90 minutes since they were totally unneeded. A doctor see a woman clearly under strong medication, is denied to examine her, gets kicked out of the house and simply leaves quiet? The ending scene made me burst into laugher, only Mickey Mouse could make it more out of reality. I'm giving it 2 out of 10 for the first lets say 10 minutes of movie.
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A fine thriller, in line with Misery
carlostrek27 June 2000
Although the plot line is similar to Misery, the movie holds its own. Jennifer Tilly was terrific as a demented individual, and the movie holds your attention. We were surprised that this movie went straight to video, we think it would have done well.
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Absolutely horrible in a funny way.
vampyrecowboy21 February 2009
Wow...sheer brilliance.

Turning a thriller/suspense/horror into comedy.

After watching this, I never laughed so hard at a horror movie before...a ridiculous plot with 3 characters that were just insanely developed - either not written in depth or too much depth.

If you want to watch an absolutely written horror movie with stupid dialog, messed up plot, useless scenes, wasted characters, bad sound and lousy development overall, then this is the one to watch.

Be sure to keep focused for the classic "food processor" scene and the totally inept police investigation scenes.

This is a remarkable new low in screen performance and writing and to sit through it for the entire duration makes you either stupid, daring or brave.
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Great Suspense thriller
matahari196826 February 2002
This is the story of a couple's quest to have a baby gone awry, I thought it was brilliant. Daryl Hannah's performance as Anne was wonderful, Jennifer Tilly was her usual brilliantly quirky insane self. I was rivotted to the edge of my seat wondering what was going to happen next. If you haven't seen this movie yet, it is worth renting.
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An interesting thriller
saido11 July 2003
I have seen this movie only because it was 3:00 am and I could not sleep and had nothing else to do, but I think it was worthy watching. The story and plot is a bit lame but the acting of the women stars is great especially Jennifer Tilly, she was really insane. I think it is a bit under rated in IMDB I would give it a seven.
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jrwolf-216 May 2005
This movie was like a bad train wreck, as horrible as it was, you still had to continue to watch. My boyfriend and I rented it and wasted two hours of our day. Now don't get me wrong, the acting is good. Just the movie as a whole just enraged both of us. There wasn't anything positive or good about this scenario. After this movie, I had to go rent something else that was a little lighter. Jennifer Tilly is as usual a very dramatic actress. Her character seems manic and not all there. Darryl Hannah, though over played, she does a wonderful job playing out the situation she is in. More than once I found myself yelling at the TV telling her to fight back or to get violent. All in all, very violent movie...not for the faint of heart.
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