Revelation (1999) Poster


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The Shape Of Things To Come?
bkoganbing16 April 2008
From the combined ministries of Jack and Rexella Van Impe and John Hagee comes Revelation, the second in a trilogy of films about somebody's conception of the end times. I say somebody's because even fundamentalist Christians are by no means united about prophesying things to come.

I've not seen the first of these films Apocalypse in which a united world government is established and the rapture has taken place. A guy who even calls himself the Messiah named Macaluso played by Nick Mancuso has taken over the world and it's either his way or the highway.

Christians are not even united on whether there will even be a rapture, but I'm of the opinion that if the fundamentalists are right and whole lots of people that you know feel that way suddenly vanish it might give some tangible proof about the Bible being real.

But it has happened and it's happened to Jeff Fahey's family, wife and daughter, who just vanished without a trace. She could never quite get him to church and he's been left behind as a result. Anyway under the regime of Messiah Macaluso those who are not followers of his are deemed 'haters' and are rounded up and also disappear in more conventional ways.

Fahey finds himself questioning what's going on and when he does he's framed for his partner's murder and forced to flee among the haters. Who in his city include former news anchor Leigh Lewis who in the first film had been the first to denounce Macaluso for being Satan.

Mancuso's got something called a Day of Wonders where folks will be asked to participate in a virtual reality game en masse. Since we know who Mancuso is, it's something not good and its up to the believer types to throw a monkey wrench into the works.

Carol Alt and Tony Nappo play a blind and a paraplegic people respectively and when they play the game they are healed and become Mancuso's disciples. That's a mighty hard thing to give up, healing from some affliction to reject Mancuso.

David Roddis has an over the top performance as one of Mancuso's acolytes who's playing his villain in the best Snidely Whiplash tradition. All he needed was a handlebar mustache to twirl at both ends.

It's impossible to evaluate these films because believer folk will hang on every word and nonbelievers will inevitably scoff. Then it degenerates into a theological not a cinema discussion. The cast give it their best to inject reality in some far fetched notions.

There was a scene that really wasn't terribly germane to the plot where a father turns in his son for 're-education' because he caught him with a Bible. I took a look on the actor, Darrel Hicks, who played the son and found he'd also later done work on Queer As Folks. Talk about an eclectic resume.

The ending is positively biblical itself. Just think of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.
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Interesting interpretation
hilary-531 July 2001
A different twist to the End Times, where technology will determine your fate. However, parts of the film's plot are flawed (blowing up a schoolbus won't mean much if all the children have already gone) and compared to Left Behind, this film lacks punch and credibility.
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IntegrityInfuse19 September 1999
Good production, but cheesey plot. This movie is based on end-times prophecy from the Bible concerning the tribulation period. Through the story, they show the mark of the beast coming about by means of virtual reality (Virtual reality sets are mailed to everyone in the world). I found this far-fetched and completely unrealistic. The ending was also awful. The writers of this movie must not have a clear connection to reality.
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I Own The Movie...
TarasMother6 May 2004
My personal opinion is that this is one of the best Christian films I have seen on the End Times. I am a Christian so I am totally biased. I have heard some people that are not Christians say they did not like the movie and I think that some of the comments are understandable. If you are not a Christian then you are probably not going to accept that there will be an anti-Christ that the Holy Scriptures talk about. Taking the mark 666 so you can buy or sell, being totally deceived by Satan and supposedly peace globally. If you are not a Christian this is probably a real joke and nonsense, even fanatical. But to those of us that are Christians, this movie makes total sense and how the Bible says in Revelation (and Daniel) that it will be.

I highly recommend this movie to everybody that is Christian. And to those that are not, you should check it out anyway, just to see what Believers think will happen in the End Times, based on the Scriptures.

And try to concentrate on the words, the message, not whether or not this is great acting like Laurence Oliver or Tom Cruise or even Leonardo DiCaprio. Great acting is not the point, where you spend eternity is.

Jeff Fahey, Carol Alt, Leigh Lewis and the entire cast were superb!
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Lord help us!
black9515 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
In 1999, I was considering a job with Cloud Ten, the company that produced and distributed the movie. The company was planning on making many mainstream Christian movies. Revelation was suppose to be their first big screen blockbuster. They made me watch the movie as part of the interview process. After thirty minutes of watching and another 30 minutes of fast forwarding the tape, I gave up on this movie. I liked the casting but the story and acting was horrible. As part of my application process, I had to write a press release for the movie. I struggled with the content but managed to promote the movie in a positive light in the vain of getting the job. I was offered a contract with Cloud Ten but I rejected the offer for the job because the movie was so bad and I didn't believe the company could achieve their goals of marketing mainstream Christian movies to the general public.

Some trivia - the Lalondes often take character names from well known landmarks throughout Southern Ontario close to their Cloud Ten office in St.Catharines Ontario. In Revelations, they took Jeff Fahey's character name (Thorold Stone) from the street name Thorold Stone Road, in Niagara Falls. In Tribulation, they took Gary Busey's character name (Tom Canboro) from another well know street called Canboro Road which runs throughout the Niagara Region.
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If this is what passes as entertainment for Christians, I'd hate (or love) to see torture.
Pil33 August 2001
Warning: Spoilers
Contains spoilers, for those who _do_ care

Well, I watched it, the whole thing, and I didn't like it one bit. You might have guessed that I don't believe in God, and if you do you might like it. But for me it was just plain boring, I was waiting all the while for something to happen, but nothing happened. It was all a bunch of praise and preach to me, and I don't watch praise and preach for fun.

Furthermore, the humour used in this movie is the worst ever, there were _several_ humourously intended phrases, which have been known to mankind ever since the internet was invented, can you believe they actually said things like "I'm not a vegetarian because I love animals, I'm a vegetarian because I hate plants." that is sooooo old, and this wasn't the only one too.

I can imagine some people liking the ending, in which a bunch of believers miraculously keep singing praise while they should be burning (and in my opinion they should be, regarding the performance they delivered). Also, the main character (an agnost), is heavily stereotyped as the seeing is believing kinda guy who needs proof of God. Well personally I've been in enough discussions about this to know that demanding proof of God is rather useless.

Ah well, if you believe, you might like it, if not, you might not. I hated it and I rate it at 2/10.
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Hallelujah! I've Seen The Lights! Camera! Action!
junk-monkey28 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Amongst the other messages the film makers impart in their script - most of which seems to have been lifted off 'humourous' t-shirts. "I don't believe in God... Don't worry, he believes in you." that sort of thing - is the deeply nasty message that all disabled people are essentially evil. The first two people to fall under the spell of the Devil Messiah are the blind girl who has just been hanging around for no apparent reason and wheelchair bound superhacker who wrote the basic code for the evil program (and who by an amazing co incidence happens to be the half brother of the leader of the underground. Don't evil masterminds do ANY background checks on who they employ? - and why, if they are related, he has an American accent and she an English one is another mystery.) You can tell he has turned evil because he shoots his own cute little doggie. Bad cripple.

Some other random jottings of how deeply stupid this movie is:

What Time zone is this film set in? It's typical of American yahoo isolationism that it ignores the fact that the International Date Line is WEST of the USA. All of Asia, Europe and Australasia (ie most of the world) will have been in the Day of Wonders long before most people in the US would have had their breakfast.

For the nerve centre of Satan's master plan the O.N.E. HQ was insanely understaffed. This is the Center of the New World Order for crying out loud! Surely there would be someone there undermining someone's liberty or taxing someone or telling the Black Helicopters where to go. In fact no one seemed to be there at all. Where are these 5,000 people who we are told go in and out of the building every day? Especially on this day of all days. The Biggy. Security consisted of one person on the front desk who, when as a ruse the "Most Wanted" person in the world is marched past him (and he recognises her), doesn't bat an eyelid. He just mutters "Oh good you've caught her." This is deeply stupid film making.

I loved the head bad guy's over acting, every evil twitch scowl and grimace he could throw into his part he threw in. Good for him. I loved the bad lip syching of the voice they dubbed in over him. But I especially loved the scene where, amazingly, they DIDN'T dub the voice in and we heard him deliver his lines in a squeaky English accent. OK, squeaky is overdoing it, but it wasn't the deep mellow voice that was shoved in his mouth for the rest of the time.

Right at the start of the film one of the happy clappies had smuggled a disc out of Evil HQ. Our bulletproof walk-through-walls baddie gets one of his sidekicks to blow up a school bus full of kids, then gets the police to follow the radio signal back to the happy clappy hide out with orders to kill everyone, while he waits about upstairs. Why didn't he go and get it himself? He seemed to have no compunction about killing anyone else he felt like for the flimsiest of reasons.

I love bad movies. I really do. Most bad movies seem to be in the horror genre or science fiction, there seem to be something about those two fields that attracts incompetents with delusions of adequacy. Watching this deeply unpleasant piece of sh1t I have discovered a whole new area of crap to explore. The 'Christian' Science Fiction Horror movie.

Let no one be in doubt, this is one deeply stupid, badly made, illogical piece of filth - and if you think I'm going to hell for saying that, I feel sorry for you.

Best stupid line:

Standing in a room full of computers.

He: "We need to find another computer that's on the network!" (to replace the one their friend just shot).

She: (points) "How about that one?"
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I really tried...
krlardie11 May 2007
True, I was given a warning that this was a bad movie. I proceeded at my own peril, especially since I have rather enjoyed some truly awful movies in the past. The difference here is that "Revelation" takes itself waaaay too seriously (speaking as a Christian!) to make up for the complete and total lack of quality. The plot itself had some potential. Unfortunately, none of that potential was fulfilled. I can only describe the dialogue between the actors as tired and predictable thanks to a lousy script and lackluster acting. This only served to uncover a glaring truth: this movie features the worst directing I've ever witnessed. Safe to say, it's the worst movie I've ever seen. I'm really trying to be positive, I swear. Can I say one nice thing about it? At least it was only the length of an average children's movie. I still can't believe I sat through the whole movie! Please tell me they're kidding when they list *4* of these in a series?!?!? Best to avoid this one.
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Latest "Revelation": This Movie Stinks
leecushing8 April 2001
"Revelation" ended up in my home by a fluke. Boy is someone in the doghouse for that was an innocent enough mistake (with "End of Days" and other millenial thrillers out there). "Revelation" though isn't just a millenial thriller. Its a millenial thriller produced by the religious right.

Okay, its hard to review "Revelation" as *just* a movie without tipping one's hand about its religious point of view. So, to be fair, fundamentalist Christians are likely to be entertained by this film. If you happen to fall into the majority of the world's population that isn't Christian, or the even larger majority that isn't *fundamentalist* Christian, you'll get a glimpse into the eerie world of apocolyptic Christian prophecy (or, even worse, a glimpse into what happens when no gay people are involved in the making of a major motion picture).

Its clearly good guy/bad guy, black and white, good vs. evil (not a problem in and of itself). However, I think most people are at a loss about exactly *what* they would do if given the choice between 1) surrendering to the authority of an evil anti-christ or 2) putting up with the self-righteous banter of the films' good guys. Isn't there a door #3? What happened to all the Buddhists?

An over-the-top performance from a queeny John Lithgow-wannabe playing the anti-christ's right-hand man doesn't help. Amateurish elements pop-up periodically. Real life TV televangelists show up on the television throughout the film. This is where the film becomes truly unbelievable. Instead of hitting the remote control, the characters in this film actually *watch* them! Even more unbelievably, the televangelists are on the t.v. screen for more than 30 seconds without even once hitting the audience up for cash.

The "Revelation"...this movie stinks.

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The best Christian film yet...
EdF13518 May 1999
and I can't wait to see what's next. Interesting twists to the post-rapture world, the mark of the beast, one world government, etc. A little too pleasant of an ending considering the brutal nature of the subject matter though.
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Surprisingly interesting. But still doesn't look professional.
PatrynXX21 January 2002
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is better than Left Behind. (that movie didn't do the book justice) This movie is slightly better in that it has good suspense within it.

(Spoilers?? Course if you believe in Revelation you know what'll happen) However thats as far as I go in supporting it. The biggest problem I have is they don't have that polished hollywood look to them. Even an independent film tries. With storylines so poorly written a child could do it better. (hey when your a child, your Gods best fan) Plotlines are leaking about all over the floor. Like, what happened to the two numbnuts following the dog going from telephone pole to telephone pole. Or how the heck did main cast escape the fire at the end? That was the worst. They also didn't show the temptation of the paralized man. It was a short enough movie that I think they could have added that without much harm.

Unlike the Left Behind dvd, Revelations dvd totally sucks. It has three movie trailers, and a 5 minute interview (written as if it's appendix one to the movie) The cast movie listing is rather sub par.

Recommendations.. if your a non-believer you might want to watch this. But if your a believer and love polished original type movies... don't buy... just rent.


Quality: 3/10 Entertainment: 8/10 Replayable: 5/10
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jhilton090721 June 2022
It's a shame that this movie series had a not-so-good first movie with Apocalypse. It was an OK start, but compared to this movie, this was a huge upgrade! It felt like an actual movie, the editing was great, the actors were a lot better and on top of all that, Leigh Lewis returns and delivers a superb performance. Highly recommend this movie to everyone looking for a good movie and this is a great film showing what's to come! Trust me, you don't want to be here when this happens!
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mm-397 August 2002
Warning: Spoilers

I thought this film was better than Left Behind. It was believable. It makes one wonder what is really in store for us. I like the idea of the virtual reality. The dog visiting all the hydro poles when he was being tracked was funny. There is real evil out there and I guess the actor who played the messiah represented it very well. There was lots of action in this movie believe or not. An interesting guess into the book of Revelations.6/10
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bad acting + bad script x worse story = PILE OF CRAP !
tika6922 July 2005
i only rented this because Carol Alt is in it (i really like her). but even her acting is dreadful. this is one of those "christian" propaganda films that is trying to be "spooky" but it just comes across as boring and stupid. and the whole virtual reality aspect of the plot and how it is used to stop Armageddon is just ridiculous and dated. the ONLY good part about watching this is seeing Tony Nappo with his shirt off. sadly, those scenes are limited. thanks to this film (my first "christian" horror film), i won't be seeing any other religious brainwashing movies aimed at the family market. my advice is to not waste your time on this dud!
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A great movie..a MUST SEE for all Christians
rhee6 July 1999
Revelation is a movie that all Christians should see. It is set in modern times, with computer technology as a major part of the story line. Jeff Fahey is one of the non-believers left behind after the Rapture...his wife and child are gone, and he is unable to comprehend what has really happened.

Nick Mancuso gives a gripping portrayal as the Anti-Christ.
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Pretty bad, sorry to say.
xtonybueno9 February 2000
I am sorry to admit that I didn't think this was good at all. I'm not the target demographic, admittedly, but if not for being with my mother, I'd have walked out of this movie. Despite an intriguing premise, the movie never really goes anywhere. There are myriad plot holes and the acting is also some of the worst I've seen in a long time. The climax was dull and unsatisfying, and likely to offend most if not all non-Christians. Religious films can be done well, but they are definitely hit (The Exorcist, The Believers, King of Kings, Ben Hur) or miss (Exorcist II and III, Stigmata). Revelation is, unfortunately, in the latter category. DON'T SEE IT.
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Worst Film Ever!!!
JonTheGod23 June 2002
Do not watch this movie.

I got this on DVD free in a special PS2 promotion and I am saddened that I have lost 2 hours of my life due to this film. A friend of mine didn't believe it could be as bad as I said it was and borrowed it off me. He still hasn't forgiven me.

Not even worth considering if you find it in the bargain bin. In fact, if you see it on a shop shelf then RUN AWAY! As fast as you can.
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Carol Alt might be the worst blind person ever
martin-beks14 August 2024
And it's not entirely her fault. Her character has been blind since birth, and she walks around like someone who lost their sight within the last year. I have known people blind their entire lives and most of them are able to live fairly independently. I feel like the screenwriters have never seen or spoken to a real blind person, and honestly, that brings this movie down by quite a bit for me. Every scene she's in drives me absolutely nuts because her character is just annoying.

The rest of the movie is pretty standard for end times movies. The production value is better than the previous movie, but the sound editing is a little garbled here and there. The acting of minor characters is also a bit basic, whereas the main characters all seem to know what they're doing, at 5e climax of the film, when 5eyre trying to upload a virus, it does seem a bit convenient that any computer in the room will do. How do they know it'll be fine? Just some loopholes.
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God all over the place
cruachcrom30 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The bible becomes true basically. Through technology of course because as we know: technology is also evil. Satan is in power of the world, atheists get roasted and on and on. Nothing more to say. Oh yeah: it's flavored with some freemasonry symbolism because they must be evil.

I watched the German version and the terrible voice acting perfectly fit the lame actors acting. And whoever Jeff Fahey played here...

Meaningless to say: I don't recommend this movie to anyone except atheists who want to have a fun ride. Certainly not a movie for you unless you accept Jesus as your master or whatever it is. I am not an atheist but this goes way too far.
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Virtual Reality on Steroids
Uriah4319 January 2014
"Thoroid Stone" (Jeff Fahey) is a police officer who is totally devastated because he has lost his wife and child to the supernatural phenomenon known as "the Rapture" which was covered in the previous movie "Apocalypse". While absorbed in his thoughts he gets a call that a school bus has been bombed and he races to the scene to investigate. Once there he is informed that the people responsible for the bombing is a group called "the Haters" who oppose the new world dictator, "Franco Macalousso" (Nick Mancuso). But Detective Stone is not necessarily convinced that this group was responsible and the deeper he probes the more evidence he uncovers that they are being framed. Additionally, he also discovers a connection to a top-secret event called "the Day of Wonders" which Franco Macalousso is set to unveil in the next few days. Anyway, rather than disclose any more details and possibly spoil the movie for those who haven't seen it I will just say that this was a very imaginative film. It was also a bit better than its predecessor due in large part to some notable additions which included Tony Nappo (as "Willie Spino"), Carol Alt ("Cindy Bolton") and the aforementioned Jeff Fahey. Likewise, Nick Nancuso replaced Sam Bornstein in the role of Franco Macalousso. These additions, along with retaining Leigh Lewis ("Helen Hannah"), were definite improvements. On the flip-side though I must admit that the overall plot which involved "virtual reality on steroids" did seem a bit far-fetched. Still, it was an entertaining film for the most part and because of that I rate it as slightly above average.
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Well-Made End Times Film with Lots of Surprises
shipnbottle4 March 2018
This film is one of my favourite so-called "End Times" films. It's smart, with some really good acting, and some surprises in its storytelling.

The film centers around Special Agent Thorold Stone (Jeff Fahey) who loses his family to a mysterious worldwide event wherein people vanish. In the aftermath, the man is pushed to the brink--his life now a shell of what it once was. In his pursuit of the "Haters," a name ascribed to Christians, his journey begins to reveal things about O.N.E. (similar to the UN) that unsettle him.

It's a good story, with some really good performances from Fahey, Nick Mancuso (as the worldwide leader), Tony Nappo (as a wheelchair-bound computer hack) and Carol Alt (playing a blind woman). It is, too, quite funny in a few parts--thanks to the performance of Nappo.

The evangelical thrust in the story isn't too heavy handed. It makes sense that in the film's worldview, the Christ-follower's view is embraced, and those against faith in Christ are, subsequently, their enemies and need to be stopped.

It's a really good film. Recommended.

Considering that the film was made nearing 20 years ago, it's stood the test of time and may, actually, be more accurate to what actually happens in the future than we realize.
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Good idea, poor execution
Aladdin-321 August 1999
The storyline is very intriguing, and the setup of a man being left behind after his wife and daughter ascend in the rapture is very gripping. But the movie falls flat most of the rest of the way. Not until the characters are in the "World of Wonders" and being tempted by the Anti-Christ, does the movie portray any real tension. The acting isn't what it should be, and after the initial setup, the plot is as flimsy as an A-Team episode. Still, kudos to the writers for making this story. You won't see many movies tackle the subject of the rapture, one world government and Anti-Christ from such an obvious Christian perspective. I wish there were more movies brave enough to do so, and then maybe we would get one that is top notch all the way through.
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God is Great, But Only Jesus Saves
GaryPeterson6722 May 2023
A fine film on every front. Strong characters played by impressive actors. A suspenseful storyline that maximized the tension as the ending drew nearer. BUT... the biblical message was lost along the way. Two passages sprang to mind as I watched:

John 14:6 "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. "

Acts 4:10,12 "Be it known unto you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom ye crucified, whom God raised from the dead .... Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved."

Salvation comes through faith in Jesus Christ and in him alone. But "Jesus" was rarely mentioned. Believe in "God" was the repeated message. "God the Father" is one thing, but "God" is a generic term that anyone watching could make fit their preconceived ideas, whether or not biblically based. I was disappointed in the Lalondes and in both Jack Van Impe and John Hagee for allowing the film to go to release without a clear salvation message. Is this a "Christian" film or just a family-friendly action movie with a thin veneer of biblical eschatology as a plot point?

I recently re-enjoyed the original End Times tetralogy of films beginning with "A Thief in the Night" and running through "The Prodigal Planet," produced between 1972 and 1983. They were overtly evangelistic films that ensured nobody got through a film without hearing the good news of salvation through Christ clearly detailed. In "Revelation," the closest we got was the scene of Helen reacting to Thorold's shouted objections to God's perceived injustices--his mother dying of cancer, his family vanishing. Believe in God, have faith, was the milquetoast response Helen mustered. Nothing was said of Christ's redemptive death and of the free gift of salvation by grace through faith. The film fumbled the ball on this key play!

"Revelation" also made little attempt to inform the audience about the eschatological events unfolding on their screens. Those "Thief in the Night" movies set the bar high with lengthy exposition and with wall-sized charts and tribulation maps that provided the audience a crash course in premillennial dispensationalism. I understand not wanting to slow the movie's momentum to detail the seven seal judgments, but the most the Lalondes' film did was outsource the job to a couple Van Impe and Hagee clips that served more to set up the next scene than to educate the audience on End Times.

All that said, and setting aside expectations, I really enjoyed the movie, even if I would at best call it Christian-lite. Jeff Fahey was a compelling leading man, looking like a younger Mel Gibson coupled with the raspy voice of Clint Eastwood (with whom he co-starred in "White Hunter, Black Heart" a decade earlier). Fahey's a talented guy, one who can present himself as impenetrably tough, but then quickly drop the facade and reveal his vulnerability.

"I need your help. And my gun's real." I especially enjoyed the winning chemistry between Jeff Fahey and Tony Nappo, who played smart-aleck computer whiz Willie, confined to a wheelchair (which stirred memories of a similar character on the 1980's "War of the Worlds" series). Willie's John Wayne impression and having a dog named Elvis won me over to him immediately.

With that New Yawk accent who'da guessed Nappo's a Canuck? He fooled this former Long Islander into believing he was my homeboy! He even snuck in a Yogi Berra line about taking the fork in the road. And what a player, too. The flirtation between Willie and blind babe Cindy came across so authentic and I was really enjoying their budding romance until...! Let's just say guys who don't learn from the history of Adam and Eve and Samson and Delilah are bound to repeat it.

Leigh Lewis as Helen Hannah took a diminished role in this second film, but she nonetheless proved a pivotal player. Len Parker having her wanted poster on his desk was a nice touch, as was how the front-desk guard referred to her as a "big fish," implying her once being a newscaster made her an "influencer" long before that term entered the vernacular. (That same idea was effectively employed in "The Omega Man" back in '71 with a former newscaster elevated to leadership of the mutants).

Breaking news from WNN: Parker Lewis can't lose, but Len Parker sure can. Talk about not learning from history, right? His replay of the incendiary events of Daniel 3 made for a fantastic scene and a fitting end, though I admit I will miss his distinct brand of deviltry. Yeah, he was a little over the top, but he effectively ensured nobody would mistake him for a good guy. "Evil incarnate" is an overused term but an apt one here. Shooting down a dad in front of his wife and child? Slapping senseless the grieving widow while threatening her young child? That puts the evil in devil.

Evil of a more subtle and persuasive kind was employed by Nick Mancuso as Antichrist Franco Macalousso. A different actor than the one who played the role in the first picture, but a stronger and more convincing one. He reminded me of Sebastian Cabot's character in the "Twilight Zone" episode "A Nice Place to Visit." So charming a fellow, "a man of wealth and taste," as the Rolling Stones phrased it. Satan will deceive many with his smooth words and empty promises, and I admit I choked up when witnessing whom he deceived and at what horrors a person can inflict upon the innocent when his capacity to love is stripped away.

"Revelation" proved to be a taut and intense thriller, especially in its closing quarter, though there really wasn't a dull moment after the opening home movies end. I thoroughly enjoyed it and can't wait to slide the third film "Tribulation" into the DVD player tomorrow. The caveat is that "Revelation" is NOT an evangelistic film and is regretfully soft n' squishy on the necessity of Christ in salvation. But taken for what it is, it shines as a professionally polished action flick free from the profanity, nudity, and gore plaguing most modern films of that genre. Enjoy, but do keep an eye out for O. N. E. Agents crawling through windows and for those pesky providentially toppled blue plastic cups!
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Very touching...
wolfmoon21 March 2009
I thought it was a great movie. The idea may have been far fetched, but it was made to send a message. It was not made for the sole purpose of entertainment. Jeff Fahey played the roll well, and Carol Alt was definitely gorgeous. I have to admit that Nick Mancuso was my favorite for the part he played towards the end of the film. The way the world will end will be debated till the end of time. If this movie touched even one person, then it was worth what it cost. I'm sure the creators would agree. I know it was effective for what it was made to accomplish. Using big name actors such as Fahey gave it the push it needed to reach a larger segment of the population. I would like to see more movies like this.
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Loved this!
jcarter-884-75460414 April 2020
This was excellently produced. Well acted and still worth a good look today! The story is chilling and apt for today. Good memories!
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