Howling: New Moon Rising (Video 1995) Poster

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One of my ten favorite films
Chris S.-27 December 1999
I can't say what the worst movie ever made is, but Howling VII is certainly my pick for 'worst movie that makes me laugh so hard my sides hurt every time I see it'. Which is a pretty big honor, really. Man, if there's anyone out there who's never seen this movie (I bet there's a few of you), trust me, you've got to rent it sometime. To give credit where it's due, this 'werewolf' movie tried to be something a little different: a combination horror-film/country-western-musical. Yeah, that always works. With no actors either. To save money they cast the local yokels living in this town to play... themselves. Hmmm, that seems like a good idea too. Wonder what went wrong?

You know, the fact this movie got produced at all is amazing. The fact this movie was produced by New Line Cinema is really amazing.

But taken for what it is, Howling VII is the best of its kind - I mean, they literally got everything wrong. The direction just isn't happening - the 'actors' sort of wonder around while on camera, blurting out memorized lines of dialogue at awkward intervals; the jokes (and there's lot's of em!) aren't remotely funny even if you're really drunk (like they were - seriously, just watch it); the music, as performed by our multi-talented cast, ranges charmingly inept to embarrassing; and, uh, there's no werewolves, just a few red-tinted pov shots.

Well, that last one's not entirely true; there is one unfortunate werewolf appearance - but it's in the last 30 seconds of the movie. Which is odd, since its transformation scene is the big showcase of the movie. (Remember - New Line Cinema produced this - the guys who are spending $360 million on Lord of the Rings). Anyway, the aforementioned scene is accomplished by digitally stretching the "actor's" face horizontally. That's it - bang, your face is stretched, you're a werewolf (my Sony 8mm Camcorder can do this).

There's also a detective's investigation side-plot which is so poorly executed you'd swear they were making a satire. Except these scenes are played without a trace of irony. All in all the whole movie is so innocent and hapless you can't believe it was made in the 90's.

Great fun, but not perfect. The one complaint I have is that, while most of the movie is rather good-natured (in a rather mind-bogglingly idiotic way), there's one unenjoyable part towards the end where our hero gets tortured by a sadistic policeman (who later becomes werewolf food - er, red-tinted-lens food). The movie is mean-spirited here, and this LOOOOONG scene is one I usually have to fast-forward. Not that it's gruesome or revolting (I mean, it's not like this is supposed to be a horror movie or anything) - it's just boring. But then we're back with the gang doing a campfire-sing-a-long in no time, and all's well.

Anyway, I could write pages and pages on this movie, but you get the point. I voted it a 1 since it's one of the three worst movies I've ever seen, but it's in my top 10 list of favourite films of all time. These types of movies can never be intentionally made, they just have to happen. And boy, something happened.
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Worst Horror Sequel Ever!
Kastore30 October 2002
This movie once held a prominent position in the Bottom 100. How it ever got off the list is one of the great mysteries of the universe. Howling: New Moon Rising single-handedly redefines bad low-budget horror movies, and has all the requirements for being the worst horror sequel ever made:

1. No werewolf.

2. Old-school barroom jokes served up as original humor.

3. Small-town inhabitants playing themselves.

4. No werewolf.

5. Hopelessly outdated, overlong, and plot-halting line dance sequences.

6. Pappy sings.

7. Still no werewolf.

8. The most ridiculous 'plot twist' in the history of cinema.

9. Police chief: "Can we continue this tomorrow? This is all just too much information for me to take in all at once."

10. Red-tinted POV shots that's supposed to be a werewolf.

11. Written by, directed by, produced by, and starring Clive Turner.

12. "Hey Pappy - there's dirt in your chili!"

13. A two-line program command that produces the final CGI 'transformation' into the fakest-looking werewolf I've ever seen.

This movie was so painful to watch. No wonder they didn't make any more Howling sequels after this one. 1/10
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latherzap5 May 2001
I recommend this to bad movie fanatics, with a word of caution: this movie is painfully dull just as often as it is funny. Parts of it are very slow, and the director/writer had to know this was bad (whereas there is something far more sacred about bad movies being born of genuine ambition).

Now and then somebody gets killed by a werewolf. There are lots of filler scenes of people sitting in a country-western bar, singing and telling the occasional dumb joke. It's all so loosely constructed that many of the extras were likely unaware that this was supposed to be about a werewolf. None of the actors are trying, except for the bearded priest. His acting is not good, but he takes his role seriously. Why? Perhaps he's just a total non-conformist. I don't know.

These are not real actors, most of them use their real names for the characters. It was all filmed in one or two towns. Since all the "actors" know each other, it's safe to assume that there are plenty of inside jokes in the script. For example, there is a farting scene where several guys run out of the bar, hands waving in front of noses. They are followed by a big guy smiling and eating a plate of chili. I'm sure it's no accident that this particular individual was chosen to play the farter. He must have a real life reputation for gas and therefore people in the neighborhood will find this more amusing than outsiders would. So if I knew these people I'm sure my familiarity with everybody would add more charm to the movie, bumping my vote up from a 1 to a 3.

As others have mentioned, it is stunning that New Line Cinemas is associated with this. Almost makes you wonder if somebody blackmailed top execs into supporting it. In short, a very bad film. Worth checking out once, but use the buddy system- don't watch it alone.
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Critical Analysis of Turner and Post-Modern Primativism
kidmoe3 November 2003
When movie fans discuss the most influential directors of all time, the name Clive Turner is usually at the top of the list. Like some sort of bizarre love child of Lynch and Tarantino, Turner exploded onto the scene with his masterpiece, Howling VII, and with that one film, defined post-modern primativism. In the limited space I have available, I will discuss my interpertation and views of Mr. Turner's awe-inspiring vision.

First, the character of the inspector. Just as Eastwood destroyed the myth of the remorseless gunfighter in Unforgiven, Turner destroys the myth of the police investigator. Turner's inspector isn't glamourous, he doesn't drive an expensive car, he doesn't solve crimes with only a few clues he carefully pieces together. Turner's inspector is so world-weary, so jaded, that he cannot even listen to a simple werewolf-on-the-loose story without taking a break to absorb all the information, because his mind is so haunted by his past cases, he simply cannot stop thinking about all the pain he has witnessed.

Turner even manages to reduce the werewolf, probably the most primative of monsters, into a simpler form. No CGI effects here, no elaborate camera tricks,. Just a very simplistic, very primative revealing of the monster hiding inside all of us.

One of the biggest complaints I have read about this film is Turner's use of "ordinary townpeople" rather that real "actors" in his film (this in a time when reality TV is considered the height of human achievement) This unique casting decision again shows Turner's devotion to post-modern primativism. No other director would dare to take a chance like this. "Real" actors could never have delivered the raw, primal emotions the performers in this movie demonstrate. I know I am not the only audience member to "Stand Up and Testify!" when Pappy (Turner's brilliant play on the authority-figure archtype) commands, nor am I the only one to recoil in horror at the sad, brutal reality of alcoholism and drug abuse as demonstrated in the song "Sit here and drink my good Christian beer."

The final point I would like to discuss is the line dancing, probably Turner's most powerful statement about our sad modern world. Notice how unhappy and robotic all the line dancers look. Turner is forcing us to confront our MTV controlled culture. No matter how unhappy or robotic we feel, we must follow and worship whatever MTV tells us is "cool." Don't like rap? Don't like boy-bands? Too bad, MTV says you must like it, and it is your duty as a good consumer to roboticly follow.

Howling VII, much like Rebel Without a Cause, Saturday Night Fever, and Pulp Fiction is a movie that defines a generation and causes us to re-examine the world we live in. Mr. Turner is trying to warn us: Stand up, testify, absorb the world around you, before you wake up one morning and discover there is dirt in YOUR chili.
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The cover art is the best part
kerkover9 August 2006
I don't understand why they even made this film. There is no story, no scares, and nothing new to the series. The only part of this film of any value is the variety of clips they used from the previous Howling films. Why on earth they thought they could get away with using a steady-cam with a red filter to portray a werewolf is beyond me.

Only the very well rendered cover/poster art for this film gives it a reason to exist.

If you are a fan of the Howling series or werewolf movies in general, then the first four films are as far as I advise you go. The werewolf film as a genre has little to pick from as far as gems, but New Moon Rising is perhaps the worst ever conceived.
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I am officially dumber after watching this movie
nhlgumby4 January 2002
You know how veterans respond when you ask them what the war was like, and they respond "I don't want to talk about it." Well, that's the best I can come up with for describing this movie. "I don't want to talk about this movie." I hate this movie. I hate it, I hate it, I hate it. I have watched some of the WORST movies known to mankind, and this one comes in second place. I have seen a movie called Robo C.H.I.C. I have seen The Cars that Ate Paris, I have seen Hobgoblins, I have seen Ghoulies IV, I have seen Trolls II (ouch, that one was bad) but only Hobgoblins actually compares to the pain I felt watching this movie. I don't... I don't want to talk about this any more. Please... leave me alone to throw up in peace. Watch this movie if you want, but be warned, I didn't encourage you, and don't bother renting it in Greensboro, N.C. because the tape is not coming back in proper working order. It's coming back in pieces. Many many pieces.
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Who thought this was a good idea?!?
culwin17 September 2000
If the wooden acting doesn't churn your stomach, the insipid country music will. TRUST ME, this movie goes beyond stupid, into entirely NEW realms of awfulness. Clive Turner, who had roles in Howlings 4 and 5 takes over as Director, Producer, and the lead role of "Ted". Ted is - guess what - a werewolf, who is Australian(??) and likes George Jones. The only decent performance in this crapfest is Jack Huff as Father John, a werewolf hunting priest. The movie makes a half-hearted attempt to connect with previous Howlings, but there is really no plot to speak of. Halfway through, the movie actually degrades to the point of making farting jokes. The ending (if you can make it that far) is the rotten icing on the top of this putrid cake. Do not watch this movie even if you are offered money. I'm sorry I did.
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Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse
rutt13-114 May 2001
It took them seven sequels but they have finally made the worst "Howling" of all. This is a godawful mess filled with fat old drunk rednecks, and line-dancing. Noithing happens at all in this movie, don't even attempt to believe the posts here sauying this is funny---I LOVE bad movies but this is just a worthless pile of steaming excrement. No plot, no blood, no nudity, no suspense, no sense...
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HORRIBLE, AWFUL, RIDICULOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Elway26 February 1999
I watched this movie on Monstervision on TNT, and I gave it a chance, but it was just horrible! I have been trying to find the worst movie of all time, and I think I have found it. The Howling 6 was Casablanca compared to this Turkey!!!!
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The Worst Werewolf Of All Time
jcholguin22 June 2003
There have been many really bad films made and this one is in the top ten of all time. Lame dialog between an older detective and Father John. Most of the film we only see the werewolf on the prowl because the camera lens is red. Not until the end do we see a werewolf woman and the wolf mask, yes, it actually looks like a mask. The worst part of this film, if you can believe it, was the country music that was constantly playing. At one point, the crowd was asked if they wanted to hear "Pappy sing" and I felt like shouting "NO." This film probably should have been called "Pappy One," instead of anything to do with the Howling series. One second thought, Pappy was so bad, "Pappy Loses His Voice" would have been better.
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The Howling Series Goes Out With a Bang!
manisimmati14 July 2017
The charismatic Australian Ted visits an American town and gets appointed as a barkeeper there. Ted seems to carry about a dark secret. When people randomly die in town he raises suspicion. Who is he really? And more importantly: Who cares?

"Howling VII" a. k. a. "Howling: New Moon Rising" is where the Howling series finally hit rock bottom. It's a spectacularly bad movie made by Clive Turner, who was part of the Howling crew since "Howling IV". In this one, he's the director, the screenwriter AND the leading actor. Oh boy. This is one of those passionate and "artistic" ego projects, isn't it? Turner tries to connect the previous Howling sequels with each other, which of course is a hopeless task. At least we get to see some clips from the other movies. Sadly, these are the most interesting parts in "Howling VII". The rest of the movie is just pointless, boring banter. Seriously, you could cut 90% of the dialogue, and it wouldn't change the story at all.

The actors aren't even actors. They're just some dudes hanging around town, drinking, making stupid jokes, line dancing and singing sappy country songs. My God, what was Turner thinking? This barely even qualifies as a movie. This is so inept, it's almost adorable. Oh, and there's supposed to be a werewolf in this? Unfortunately, there are only ruddled werewolf POV shots. You're lucky if you're able to see anything. An ingenious avant-garde move by Turner - or, you know, just cheap filmmaking. At the grand finale, we finally see the werewolf. It's one of the most ridiculous things I've ever seen. The transformation scene is as hilariously bad as it gets.

Truly, this is a trash movie for the ages and a fitting conclusion to the Howling series: boring, awkward and completely mindless. Avoid. Unless you're into really, really, really bad movies.
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Great Fun for Homemade Film Fans!
mrs_strock22 March 2004
Great fun! To enjoy this guilty pleasure one should know a bit its background. Clive Turner (the writer/star/editor/producer/accountant(!)/etc.) had small parts in the two previous Howling movies and attempts to tie those two in with this one. He shot this movie in Pioneertown, California, a small town built in the '30's and '40's by Gene Autry & Roy Rogers. The majority of the cast are actual townspeople, whose share their characters' names. Local musicians portrayed themselves in the music scenes. The camaraderie with the film-makers and amateur stars is obvious. Looks like everyone had a grand time making this film. This is, for me, what makes the movie enjoyable, like a traveling carnival or a small-town amusement park. Kudos to Turner & company!
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One of the worst genre efforts ever
kannibalcorpsegrinder13 September 2012
Arriving in a small desert town, a mysterious stranger becomes involved in a series of brutal murders of the locals and must find the true beast causing the devastation before he becomes the scapegoat for the killings.

This was one of the most putrid, wretchedly horrible horror movies ever, and is certainly the absolute worst werewolf film ever. Among the numerous flaws here is the lack of werewolf-action, here presented only as a roving, red-filtered camera low to the ground zipping over the landscape to sneak up on unsuspecting victims in some admittedly creepy scenes to generate the only positive remarks towards this, but that's all we get period. There's no stalking shots, no transformation scenes, not even full-body shots of the creature at all, and the only time it's even glimpsed is as a cheap, plastic mask for a few fleeting moments at the end. The other flaws here really stem, though, from the film's central biggest problem, it's dull, agonizingly slow pace that never offers up anything to get excited over. From the tepid and banal romance that drags the middle segment down, to the constant, endless, non-stop running-time-padding country music segments that are really the worst thing about this whole endeavor, to the impossible-to-believe segments where the local sheriff has to digest the explanation for what's going on in several different parts which really takes the cake and makes this one so terrible, as well as all the other issues.

Rated R: Violence and Language.
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clive turner = postmodern genius
slugfacade30 September 2000
Howling VII cannot easily be classified into any genre, and that's what makes it so great. like the works of thomas pynchon, william gaddis, and david foster wallace, clive turner (the writer, producer, director, and star) uses a plethura of art forms and techniques and splices them together into a seemingly meaningless cacophany of pure postmodernism that, when dissected, reveals an underlying theme that examines the chaos that surrounds us in our media obsessed country.

he sarcastically makes fun of a myriad of movie forms: the werewolf flick, the rip snortin' country movie, and the comedy film, all while keeping an amazing straight face (i'm still attempting to comprehend the coyotes that jump out of trees and night line/ enigma).

clive turner is pressing his theory of modern america in our face, and we can do nothing but try and understand his points: we are constantly surrounded by all these stories, all these lifes, and all these various art cliches, and we have become them. we have become the horror flick. we have become pappy and harriet. we have become pioneer town. we have become the chili with the dirt in it and the only thing we can do to make ourselves clean is to laugh at our meaninglessness.

the werewolf is a symbol for our discontentment with commercial america, and when cheryl transforms, our anger at our worthless situation comes out of our pores like cold sweat.

this is an amazing movie. watch it and try and understand the point it is making about our pointless world. we keep our insecurities inside until they all come out in a violent rage. watch mr. turner's masterpiece today, if possible.
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Somewhere out there, a new terror is breeding... and that terror is country line-dancing!!!
Lebowskidoo21 October 2018
Howling: New Moon Rising is not only the worst werewolf movie ever, it may well be the worst attempt at a horror movie, ever!

Barely any werewolf scenes, and the transformation scene was clearly done with a party balloon! Mostly, the viewer is subjected to country line-dancing for most of the running time, I kid y'all not!

How(l) in the name of all that is holy, did these incompetent rednecks get the rights to make a Howling sequel, is beyond me?!?!
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why why why?
THEPIPEMAN649 April 2003
First just let me say I love cheesy horror movies but this is the most retched movie i have ever seen in my life and I pray to God everyday for my hour and a half back. To be a part of the Howling series really is a crime in itself. You only get to see the werewolf once and that lasts for less tha 10 seconds and it is computer generated in the worst way possible. The movie takes place in a desert town that for some odd reason the people there are always line dancing through over half of the movie. Now i do not mind seeing a bad movie if it is funny but this is not even funny. The actors in the movie use the real names as characters and you keep seeing the wolf's vision with this weird red lens. I really absolutly cannot see why any let this piece of crap see the light of day much less even think of it. It looks like the producer said heres $20.00 make me 3 more sequals. It really does bother me that this movie even exists. This is by far the worst movie that has ever been maid.
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Lost for words
Sarkax24 April 2006
Well, many people say to movies that "It's the worst they ever seen" but believe you me when I say that this is really the worst movie I've ever seen. It's not even funny bad, just plain awful.

Plot? - I don't really know, is there? Werewolfs? - One in the last 20 seconds of the movie.

Blood n Gore? - Naah,nothing good. Nothing at all in fact.

Chills? - Yeah, realizing it's a real film and not just a joke.

Dancing Hillbillies? - Yes, for about 90 minutes of the movie.

This is so bad that it makes me cry out for justice. Never again should we have to watch a godforsaken awful movie like this. No further comments
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This film gave me brain cancer.
dopefishie4 June 2004
After watching this movie, I had to go back and change all the other one star reviews I ever wrote to three star reviews b/c they were comparably better than this neural toxin.

I don't know if they had a script or just made stuff up as they went along. I laughed out loud at least 4 scenes b/c the dialogue was so bad. besides the hand full of laughs i got this film has no entertainment value.

However, this movie does have value if you are into independent films with no budget. this movie is a perfect example of how NOT to make an independent film. Take notes young film-makers... and do nothing that you see in this movie. It could save your potential film career.
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Are you kidding me?
Supafly3 November 1998
I can't believe that I rented this movie! The movie box looked really cool with modern art of the wolf, and the movie was made by New Line Cinema. Boy was I wrong! It looks like they shot this movie on a camcorder with people who have never acted before. I lasted about 20 minutes with this movie. The only good thing about it is that it made my friend and I laugh. What a joke.
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Worst of the worst
Leofwine_draca11 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Pretty much all of the HOWLING sequels I've watched have been poor but HOWLING: NEW MOON RISING (1995) really is the lowest of the low, not just the worst sequel but one of the worst would-be horror films ever made, full stop. The setting is a rural Californian town plagued by werewolf killings, but if you're looking for horror content you've come to the wrong place. If you like line dancing and country music then this might just be the film for you! Otherwise we get endless chit-chat in a bar, awful attempts at humour, maximum padding, a few werewolf POV shots and a 'twist' ending of sorts. To be avoided.
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This deserves to be in the bottom 100
Steven H. Price1 February 2001
This.......Movie....... was part of a marathon of the Howling movies shown On TNT's Monstervision. I started watching it because I had watched most of the others and decided to give it a shot. The only reason I continued to watch was to listen to Monstervision's host, Joe Bob Briggs, berate it. This is absolutely the worst movie I have ever seen. Maybe, 2 minutes, TOPS is devoted to scenes featuring the Werewolf. The rest of the movie is watching a group of people with the IQ of Forrest Gump get drunk, dance, eat chili, and fart. If I want to see someone drinking I'll watch The Shining. At least That movie has a plot and good acting. I was even stupid enough to watch this movie AGAIN, when it was shown a few months later, just to see if there was something ANYTHING that I missed. WRONG! I honestly felt dumber when the credits rolled. There is no plot. There is no acting. There are no special effects. I would rather be shot than see this movie ever again. I don't know who the Hell put Clive Turner in charge of this flick but I hope they learned from their mistake. Lord knows they should still be having nightmares. If I save even one person from watching this I'll feel better. If only it wasn't too late for me. PLEASE, if you are a fan of the Howling series and want to see all the movies, or if you just want to see how bad it is, PLEASE do it when you can see it for free. You will be better off spending the money for video rental on Gas, Cigarettes, Fast Food, or a Postage Stamp. I am going to rate this movie a zero after I finish writing this. If I could vote lower than zero I would!


NO stars

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Pappy, where have you been all my life!?
dlw20512 September 2001
Man I loved this movie, the characters are the most amazing thing I have ever seen.

Pappy - the alcoholic forgetful grandfather figure that wins our hearts with his folk rhythms. I will "STAND UP!" Pappy!

Newman - I have no idea who this guys real name in the movie was but when there are shots to be drunk or zippers to be zipped he is there in a flash.

Tim - Man this guy was a he australian? is he a biker? MYSTERY MAN! or could he be the werewolf?!! DUNH DUNH DUNH!

The Sheriff - Perhaps the nicest man you'll ever meet - when you've got a story to tell make sure you get it out in under a minute because he may become confused and disoriented. You'd better "take a break" so he can "absorb" all this information*

*Make sure to pay close attention between minutes: 23 - 24; 36 - 38; 49 - 50; 1:11 - 1:12; and 1:20 - 1:21... because these are the times they explain the origins of the werefolf.

I loved the way that the movie was based on "Howling I, III, and V". At least you don't get lost if you didn't see 2, 4, or 6! I reccommend this movie to anyone who loves a cinematic masterpiece with something for everyone.

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Near-impossible to sit through
Sandcooler20 March 2017
I'm aware that I couldn't expect much from a micro-budget movie made by complete amateurs, but am I too much of a diva if I want my werewolf movie to have, you know ... a werewolf? I 'happened' to be looking at the clock during the big transformation scene: our werewolf doesn't actually show up until we're 87 minutes in! I should probably point out that this movie is 89 minutes long. What on Earth do they fill the rest of the time with? Well, line-dancing and horrible country music of course. Most cheap horror movies have filler scenes to pad out the running time, but this movie is different. This is literally nothing but padding. Every scene in this movie is solely made to run out the clock. Occasionally the movie teases you with a stock footage werewolf from "Howling V", but mostly it's satisfied with just having rednecks do fart jokes. Horror movies often have some actors that have never been in anything else, but the cast of "Howling: New Moon Rising" honestly looks like they've never even seen a movie. I guess there's a sick pleasure in seeing these non-actors desperately trying to get through this dialogue unscathed, but that's all the pleasure you'll get from this movie.
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You Really Named This Movie "The Howling?!"
dagonseve8 October 2009
In 1981 Joe Dante directed a New Age lycanthropic movie called The Howling, based on the 1977 horror novel of the same name, written by Gary Brandner. Up until this point in cinematic history, a rather outdated version of the Wolfman was still in circulation. The Howling, An American Werewolf in London, and Wolfen were all released in the same year, refreshing the palette of horror fans and movie-goers alike with an updated vision of this mythical creature. The effects in the 1980s allowed artists to create a convincing (for the time) transformation sequence without obstructing the view of the audience or panning the camera away. The success of the original The Howling spawned six additional sequels, each sharing no similarities. Dante gracefully bowed out after the completion of the first movie and Clive Turner, a man responsible for filling the role of producer in The Howling IV: The Original Nightmare and The Howling V: Rebirth, made his directorial debut with the latest and last in the series - Howling VII: New Moon.

Whether it is known as fact or fiction, the production team recruited the local townsfolk into the role of "the locals." I'm not sure what the intention of this was...perhaps it was easier to obtain people at the location you are shooting at rather than shelling out additional money for trained actors from an almost nonexistent budget. In terms of budget, it clearly shows - the overall production value reminds me of watching a 2 am horror special in the late 80s. The dialog is awkward and unnatural to say the least. Clive Turner must have fancied himself a Renaissance man because not only did he direct, produce, and write the Howling VII, he played the lead character role. It's safe to say he can't act his way out of a cowboy hat.

The soundtrack is anything but epic. The majority of the music is country/western...which I suppose is understandable given the environment. I just can't help but feel that Turner grew up in the area where he decided to shoot the film. It's obvious he's accustomed to the bar scene in a small town like this and even enjoys the local talent. While that might work for other directors, his main focus was to showcase band performances and gratuitous line dancing. This seemed more important to him than werewolves. After an hour into the film, the portrayal of the beast is done very similar to the movie Wolfen - the audience is forced to look through the eyes of the beast while it slaughters the unsuspecting townsmen. This is not an original technique but one that is poorly executed in this sense. Other ridiculous plot elements exist like the re-telling of past events that occurred in the previous installments of the Howling. I just consider this shameless filler and a pathetic way of making these devices viable.

It's amazing that this movie was released in 1995 and looks much more dated than it is. I didn't make the realization that a seventh Howling movie existed until recently...and I consider myself a huge fan of the horror genre. I wish I could admit that this is a step up from The Howling III: The Marsupials - easily the most pitiful attempt at film-making EVER...but sadly, it teeters slowly on the edge of that atrocious stain. I can say that both films have something in common: they were almost impossible to sit through. You need a will made of iron in order to sit through films like these. So, in conclusion? Clive Turner needs to be snatched up by his britches, tied to the back of a wagon, and dragged one hundred yards down a cobblestone path. Then, on the verge of unconsciousness, tied to a rack with his head fixed firmly in place while subjected to watching The Howling VII: New Moon on a continuous loop - maybe then he will come to the realization that he should stay out of show business.
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Howling Hillbillies
Zbigniew_Krycsiwiki15 June 2005
I rented this ... this, ... "thing" two days ago (even the guy in the video store said it sucked like hell!) and can say it's probably the worst 'Howling' sequel there is- and with the likes of 'Howling 2,3, and 4' that's saying a lot.

The only part of this one that I liked was toward the end, there was about a 10 or 15 minute segment where Elizabeth Shé and Romy Windsor's characters reappeared from parts four and five, and tried to connect this movie with the stories in parts four and five. That idea should have been built upon, instead of diluting that by having another 75 minutes of bad jokes and putrid country music. The slim plot that remains has an Australian redneck(?) coming to some backwater town at the same time a series of off-screen killing starts, with a priest and local yokel cop trying to look as though they're attempting to solve the killings.

Listless acting by a cast of deservedly unknowns basically playing themselves: Ernest Kester playing a guy named Ernie, Jaqueline Armitage playing a girl named Jaqueline, Claude 'Pappy' Allen played 'Pappy' etc, they all just meander on screen in front of the camera, saying lines that are so bad you'd think they were improvised. It's almost like they just said "Let's see how many lame jokes and horrendous country music we can fit into this scene"- and then did that in every scene. The actors, if you even want to call them that, had to be friends of the producers, because 21 of the 26 people in this movie basically played themselves- but the producers apparently forgot to hire a werewolf to play the part of the werewolf, because the only werewolf to be seen here doesn't appear until about 2 minutes before the end of the movie, and it's basically just a woman wearing a plastic mask which looks like it was bought at a Halloween shop. Her character is killed OFF SCREEN, so we never really even see her as the werewolf, nor do we actually see her killed!

That, and the nonexistent direction and story, meandering pacing, endless country music and decades old jokes make this easily the worst, and I hope, the LAST movie in this series.
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