Mountaintop Motel Massacre (1983) Poster

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Almost but not quite
Maciste_Brother4 June 2003
MOUNTAINTOP MOTEL MASSACRE has everything going for it: good atmosphere, good setting, good lead actress, okay score. But the thing that almost kills MMM is the pacing. It's very slooooooooooow. Had the film's pacing been better I believe this would have been fun. But instead, everything happens at a snails pace. And the acting in some moments was really amateurish and watching boring scenes with amateurish actors don't make for compelling viewing. Also, the way Evelyn kills her victims is, for the most part, dull. She tries to kill with a snake, rats or cockroaches(?!?!). Yes, she does start killing people with a sickle after a while but the killings should have been more interesting. MOUNTAINTOP MOTEL MASSACRE had potential but it missed it with its super slow pacing.
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Typical '80s New World Pictures slasher
Drive-In-Freak7 January 2005
There must have been hundreds of these things made in the early '80s.If you are familiar with this type of film and New World Pictures you almost know what to expect.

Typical "B" drive-in slasher film shot in the woods of Louisiana for about $5.27.Falls a bit short on the sleaze and gore you might expect such a film to have,but is still interesting enough to keep your attention.Although I found it watchable,it's just not that interesting.As a "B" film it has a cast and crew are a little too good to make fun of in a "so bad it's good" way.To me this takes away from the fun that can be had looking out for the mistakes that make low budget films so enjoyable.I love bad movies,and this one wasn't bad enough.It falls flat right between too bad to be good and too good to be bad.Recommended for lovers of drive-in cheeze,New World Picture fans,and folks who just can't get enough of the early "80s slashers only.

5/10 on the Drive-in-Freak-O-Meter
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"Go on and check us in."
lost-in-limbo5 February 2011
After borrowing it off a friend and not expecting much, "Mountaintop Motel" aka "Mountaintop Motel Massacre" turned out to be a nice little surprise from the 80s (which was originally shelved for a couple years before its "86" release). While being on the cheap with limited resources, its low-key approach doesn't hamper the fun of this dark rural psycho shocker. Well it didn't for me. After getting off to a glum, slow start, it gradually grows suspenseful in its taut layout (secluded backwoods setting) where its creepy, twisted underlining breaks out (although that eerily offbeat music score provides an unnerving tone throughout). Leading to some savage attacks (despite some tacky gore) and a collected, spaced out performance by Anna Chappell as the motel owner who uses the tunnels beneath the motel rooms to terrorise her guests.

The solemn, paper-thin story probably could have made much more of the situation (ending on a lacklustre cat and mouse climax) and especially its supernatural angle/ or maybe it was the emotional breakdown into insanity, but its conventional structure conceals many strange surprises. Nothing is really brought up about the central character's unstable mind; especially why she was had spent time in a mental hospital. We just watch her slowly lose it, after accidentally killing her daughter she begins to hear her whispering voice in her head. The methodical direction grinds away, but there are some effectively lit set-pieces. There's okay bunch of performances by the cast; led by actor Bill Thurman as a boozy Reverend.
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Average at Best.
suspiria1027 March 2004
Synopsis: What do you get when you put a boozing preacher, an out of work carpenter, a just hitched couple, a `record executive' and some cousins wanting to make their mark on Nashville and throw then into a secluded motel in the woods during a dark and stormy night that is run by an ex-mental patient. You get this film that's what. Evelyn has gone off the deep end one last time and we are going along for the ride.

Acting: The acting is not bad. But it isn't anything to write home about either. It pretty much runs straight down the line with as much pizzazz as the one dimensional characters could be. The cast is a bunch of amateurs so don't expect great things.

Direction / Writing: The direction is good. Not too much visual flare but has the occasional interesting light set up. The writing is a little bland but passable. The characters lack detail and definition and rely heavily on bugs and beasties for scares, so as a result no suspense is generated for their predicaments. Very by-the-numbers set them up for the kill characters.

Photography / Editing: The photography is of the dark and stormy type. I kept thinking of Identity (2003) because of similarities. It does get a little claustrophobic toward the end during the final battle but is straight-forward and even a bit stale. The editing is where the production could have picked up the slack of the other departments. But they didn't. They should have cut another ten minutes off this one so it doesn't drag as often as it does.

Cheesiness: The cheesiness factor could have helped this out quite a bit but the dialogue for this most part is cut and dried. Seeing that most of the cast had southern accents a little redneck humor could go a long way. The synth score does add a little atmosphere though.

Sex / Nudity: None to speak of. You see some bare backs and a little wet t-shirt action for the guys. And some jockey action and shirtless chest action for the ladies. No sex involved. That is unless you consider the snake bite scene sex.

Sleaze: No sleaze to report here. Which is pretty amazing for an early ‘80's slasher?

Overall / Parting Remarks: A by-the-numbers and rather uninteresting slasher with an interesting location but no suspense or scares. Corny dialogue would have help and some more interesting kills would have been nice. Overall the film is just plain bland.
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Good things come to those who wait...and wait...
coldwaterpdh12 December 2008
"Mountaintop Motel Massacre" will appeal to those horror fans like myself who often have to see a movie just because of the ridiculous title. Sometimes we get snowballed and the movie sucks but other times, we are treated to a semi-entertaining gem that stands out from the rest. "Mountaintop Motel Massacre" stands out.

The whole setting of the movie is creepy as hell, kind of a mix between Tobe Hooper's "Eaten Alive" and "Motel Hell." Mountaintop Motel is in the country, off a dirt road, itself a collection of small 'cabins' and they are all linked together by an underground passageway. The lady who runs the joint is a psycho, she offs her kid in the beginning of the flick and then proceeds to off some guests in her cabins.

My only complaint is that this movie takes way too long to get going. If it had the pace of the final twenty minutes during the entire movie, it would have been amazing. But hang in there, you won't be disappointed in this one. Some nice, genuinely creepy scenes and some decent gory killings.

5 out of 10, kids.
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Ah Evelyn...
BandSAboutMovies5 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Jim McCullough Sr. produced Where the Red Fern Grows and Creature from Black Lake before he started directing his own movies like Charge of the Model T's, The Aurora Encounter and Video Massacre. He also acted in The Love Bug and Teenage Monster years before all of that.

Initially, a regional movie that plated Louisiana and Mississippi under the titles Mountaintop Motel and Horrors at Mountaintop Motel, it was picked up by New World three years later and retitled before playing in New York City and coming out on home video.

Evelyn has been recently released from a psychiatric institution and loses her mind all over again when she catches her daughter Lorie doing a witchcraft ritual. So she does what any of us would do and kills her daughter. She gets away with it. And then she runs a motel called, you guessed it, the Mountaintop Motel.

That's when the victims show up, like wanna-be record producer Al, two girls he's trying to do the horizontal lambada with, some newlyweds and a preacher named Reverend Bill McWiley (Bill Thurman, 'Gator Bait). Much like Shakespeare, just about everyone dies.

The folks at Vinegar Syndrome have sought fit to rescue this movie from the moldy fate of hiding around on the shelves of the few remaining mom and pop video stores in the country by doing a 2K scan from the original 35mm film and putting this out on blu ray. They really are doing the Lord's work.
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will leave you scratching your head
Zod-214 November 2003
Warning: Spoilers
This review contains spoilers.

On the surface Mountaintop Motel Massacre is your run-of-the-mill cheap horror quicky. However, there are a couple of things that rise Mountaintop Motel Massacre (MMM) above most of the cheapo horror garbage that came out in the 80's. First off there seems to be a lot more going on in the story then what is presented on the screen. Had the film makers had the time/money to fully realize their vision MMM could have been even better.

The story follows Evelyn, an old woman who spent a couple of years in a insane asylum. Now she runs a motel along with her daughter. This is where there is likely an explanation for why Evelyn is the way she is. There is obviously a connection between Evelyn her dead husband and her daughter that is making Evelyn mad. Her daughter also seems to be dabbling in the black arts but none of this is explained, only tiny tidbits are revealed throughout the film. Evelyn's daughter is also killed (by Evelyn) early on in the film but makes a couple of brief appearances late in the movie. Is she a zombie? Again nothing is revealed. It's all up to you to put together if you feel like putting the effort forth.

The director does try to create atmosphere in the picture and the camera work is a notch above most films of this type. While the film is pretty slow going to start it does pick up at the end with some creepiness and light suspense.

Given a chance Mountaintop Motel Massacre could have been a very decent flick. However, the actual plot of the film is pushed to the side in order to introduce the characters and start knocking them off. The movie would have been better off explaining Evelyn's relationship to her daughter and therefore her insanity rather then slowly introducing each guest at the motel.

There is more going on here then the film makers are letting the viewer in on which is why MMM will leave you scratching your head over the huge plot holes. But, with average (for the genre) acting, some good kill scenes and a little suspense thrown in for good measure Mountaintop Motel Massacre rates slightly better then most b-movie drive-in fodder. In the right hands it could have rated a 5 or maybe even a 6! Moutaintop Motel Massacre rates a 4 out of 10.
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and i usually like this kind of thing!
Nightman855 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Mountain Top Motel Massacre isn't a horror film that you've probably heard of before and for good reason.

The story is this: Crazy old lady kills the people that check into her run-down country motel. That's it.

This movie lacks in every possible way. The story is a rather boring one, especially considering that there is no mystery or suspense to be had! The cast is utterly horrible, even to me who can sometimes tolerate a hammy performance. There isn't any style to the direction of this movie, no decent score, nothing in the way of talent at all! The movie is so cheap and uninteresting that it doesn't even make for a good joke. So, when all is said and done, it's possibly the lamest slasher film of the 80's!

BOMB out of ****
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You have got to be kidding me!
alanmora12 December 2006
When I saw the cover art for this poor excuse for a horror movie I was excited! I was expecting to have a "Rabid Grannies" or a "Flesh-Eating Mothers" type of good time that most horror fans love. Instead, I was bored to tears! The woman on the cover of this box is not even in the movie, instead the audience is forced to watch a drab, untalented, older actress try to play the role of an insane person but instead she comes across more like Grandma Moses on qualudes...not at all scary or even campy just dull and ineffective. The "motel" that this film takes place at more resembles a collection of cardboard boxes on the street...the only redeeming quality that this film has is an eerie soundtrack but that is not necessarily effective because the film goes nowhere fast! Avoid this stinker, watch the aforementioned flicks or better yet...the ultimate motel slasher flick..."Motel Hell".
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The sadistic smile of the old woman n the creepy music will surely give Bates a competition.
Fella_shibby17 February 2024
I first saw this in the late 80s on a vhs.

The old lady's face, her sadistic smile n the creepy music stayed with me for a long time.

Revisited recently.

The movie is a bit boring n the effects ain't good.

Apart from the creepy music n the old lady's facial expressions, the movie has oodles of atmosphere.

The isolated hotel, the woods n the constant rain, all add up but in the entire movie we never get to see any mountain.

Now lets talk bah the lol moments.

How conveniently the old woman comes up from the basement without Prissy noticing her inspite of being in front of the mirror.

How she was able to take the body down into the basement all by her self is beyond me.

Later she pulls the tall n heavy built Reverend.

The movie has one very brutal scene, a scythe piercing thru d cheeks.

The big built cop gets beaten by the old lady.

Now some irritating moments.

Lots of titillating scenes but not an ounce of nudity.

They shud have reversed Hitchcock's Psycho by making the mad lady keep the dead body of her daughter.

I feel Keanu Reeves' Knock Knock borrowed the element of two stranger gals n one man on a rainy nite stuff from this movie.

I also feel that John Cusack's Identify too borrowed from this movie.

Complete strangers coming together on a rainy nite in a motel n later getting killed off.
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"Please don't disurb Evelyn...she already is!"
capkronos13 May 2003
Anna Chappell stars as the elderly Evelyn, who's let out of a mental hospital and starts running the Mountaintop Motel, a scuzzy string of run-down shacks out in the sticks that would have me sleeping in the nearest ditch. She snaps again and on a dark and stormy night kills people stranded at her hotel. Guests include a honeymooning couple, two reverends, a record executive and a pair of Barbara Mandrell clones who don't wear bras (a rainstorm and flimsy white shirts help to prove this).

Funny sounding cosmic music plays whenever Evelyn is up to something devious. She lurks around in underground catacombs spying on victims with her bulging eyes, hears her dead daughters voice, sneaks snakes, roaches and rats into rooms and hacks people up with a sickle. This is no PSYCHO, just a silly regional concoction from Louisiana with a few laughs and some blood. Larry Buchanan fans will recognize Bill Thurman as an alcoholic reverend.

Score: 4 out of 10
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It's all about the atmosphere
Samhainfire918 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Never have I seen a film that invokes as much moribund atmosphere as Mountaintop Motel. Everything about this film, from the lighting, the sound, and the set design, is totally drenched with macabre imagery. Notice how I refer to this film as simply Mountaintop Motel. That is because that is the original title! Simplistic, foreboding, and to the crux of the matter. But those silly New World Pictures execs needed a campy hook to reel people looking for campy product. Presto! Let's add "Massacre" to the title! And not only that, let's create new cover art! Forget the original art done by Production designer Drew Edward Hunter which perfectly captures the dark somber essence of the film! We need something cheesy that will lure the unsuspecting popcorn-munching mainstream masses! That ladies and gentleman, is why you see such vitriol heaped at this powerful, creepy movie. People see the New World Pictures cover art, with the stupid lady who is not even in the film, they read the funny tag line, and think "Gee, this will be a real entertaining fast-paced cheese fest, golly won't this be fun." But the art is misleading. This is a serious horror film with an eerie supernatural undertone.

The movie concerns a middle-aged woman named Evelyn. It seems that Evelyn has spent time in a mental institution. It is never revealed why. Evelyn runs the Mountaintop Motel with the help of her daughter Lorri. The only trouble is that Evelyn does not appear to be fully recovered from her insanity, and worse, Lorri does not seem to be the best person to have around when you are struggling with a mental disturbance. Lorri looks to be like any other girl her age, but underneath her innocent facade lies a dark force that is never fully explained or understood. To Evelyn's chagrin, Lorri has a fascination in the occult, and her favorite avocation seems to be the holding of séance's and other dark ritualistic behavior. It should be noted at this point that Evelyn's husband is no longer in the picture. The audience is made aware that he departed but we never learn how or why. Lorri obviously pines for her father as she has a portrait of him that she has present at her séance and which she makes conversation with. The séance that we see take place is Lorri's last as Evelyn catches her in the middle of summoning a spirit. This pushes Evelyn over the edge once again and in a swirling rage she kills Lorri.

And this is what sets the rest of the film in motion. Because when Evelyn killed Lorri all she did was free her spirit from her earthly shackles. Now Lorri's spirit is free to roam and urge her already unstable mother to fulfill her sinister directive. So in essence the rest of the film is about the unfortunate souls who happen to check into the Mountaintop Motel unaware of the hell that they will pay.

Every element that a well crafted horror picture needs is present here in abundance. First we have the music score and sound design by Ron DiIulio. The score that this man conjured to earth is first-rate eeriness put to tape. There is an overwhelming spine-tingling feeling that will pass over you when you hear this music. And the vocal intonations and whispering voices create a perfect atmosphere of horror. Then we have the Production and set design by Drew Edward Hunter. From the bizarre baby doll shrines, the ever-present glowing candles, and overall moody set dressing, this is superb work done by Mr. Hunter. And the direction by Jim Mcculough Sr. is quite stylish for an American horror film. Some really off-kilter sequences owe a lot to some innovative camera work. Especially the scene in which Evelyn is lurking around with a lit candle reading cryptic passages from the Holy Bible.

One scene in particular, which I consider the best in the film, if not in all of horror cinema, is the moment late in the film when Crenshaw and Al venture into Lorri's room. This scene, in a moment of powerful realization, perfectly encapsulates to me the meaning of horror and what a horror film is supposed to accomplish. The aura of this scene with the shadows dancing morbidly up the wall is something that once you see you will never forget. At this moment you realize that this movie has created it's own alternate universe that you have stepped into, the atmosphere is so suffocating it's unreal.

The acting in this movie is decent. Definitely not as bad as some reviewers on here would have you believe. There is no Al Pacino caliber talent on display among the male leads, but what do these people expect? This is a low budget horror film from Shreveport Louisiana. The people that write the most damning reviews are the same people who do not normally venture out of the cozy confines of mainstream cinema. They are not connoisseurs of low budget independent cinema so their comments stem from ignorance. Just go back to watching The Matrix please.

I would also like to say that the strength of this film owes a lot to the performance by the talented stage actress Anna Chappell. She gives a great, fragile portrayal of insanity that really works wonders for the movie.

So in summation I would just like to say that I love this film. It has had a profound impact on how I view the horror genre. Anytime a movie is touted as being "scary", Mountaintop Motel is the stick by which all horror films I watch are measured. I never get tired of this film and I highly recommend it to all fans of atmospheric horror.
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A surprisingly atmospheric and overlooked 80s slasher
Mister-Creeper19 July 2021
Mountaintop Motel Massacre is surprisingly good; it's not your typical standard fare 80s slasher in my opinion. It's extremely atmospheric with a haunting score, decent acting, and just enough blood and gore effects to keep most horror fans entertained. And maybe it's just me, but I think it would be great paired together with Tobe Hooper's Eaten Alive as a late night double feature. My vote is 7/10. Definitely give it a shot if you are a fan of 80s slasher films, or enjoy atmospheric b-horror movies.
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If the director was drunk... there would still be no excuse.
jeppegrunberger27 November 2000
When watching this "movie" you might ask yourself: is this a joke? But after about 15 minutes of this "horror-movie", you will make the indeed horrifying discovery: that it IS NOT!!! There is the horror in this film... it might very well be the worst of it's kind... it really might. To comment on the plot itself will bring back to many painful memories, but if you don't believe me, you can see for yourself...
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A review from someone who actually likes this movie...
elliottrainbow30 October 2002
Yes, this movie has bad acting, a poor plot and no real horror to speak of...but it is also one of the 'so bad it's good' movies. Evelyn (who IS creepy, by the way) goes on a killing spree at her motel. I think the idea of Evelyn going from one cabin to the next through an underground tunnel was a neat idea. I also liked that not all of the likeable characters were killed. There is also some humor. While this movie is surely not of the caliber of Psycho or even Texas Chainsaw Massacre (both favorites of mine!) it is worth a look; if only for the camp value. Rent this off of the 99 cent rack, turn off the lights, and get ready to be scared...a little! But please do not disturb Evelyn...SHE ALREADY IS!
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Beyond Bad...
UltimateDarkness9 March 2004
This movie is at the exact opposite end of the spectrum of campy cheesy sleazy horror motel-themed fun and greatness that Motel Hell is on. Motel Hell is a great movie whereas Mountaintop Motel Massacre is one of the slowest, worst, most boring movies ever made. There is nothing entertaining about watching an old lady scamper about extremely slowly putting bugs in people's motel rooms to kill them, that's just ridiculous and stupid. The makers of this movie should have just given her an axe and had her go around chopping up all her guests, and this movie would have been so much better. Instead they went the BAD WEIRD STUPID route and made one of the dumbest slowest and boringest horror movies ever. If your looking for a good, fun, entertaining motel-themed horror movie check out Motel Hell.
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Another "It's so bad, it's good" film
Bayjohn16 February 1999
Need a movie to watch on a Saturday night with all your friends in a drunken stupor? Here's your movie! The hokey acting and special effects will give you and your friends nearly two hours of entertainment. Forget plot, acting, or decent movie sets...just enjoy this cinematic gem for what it is: Crap.
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Mountaintop Motel Massacre
Scarecrow-887 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Evelyn(Anna Chappell)is let out of the asylum and takes up running a lodging of terribly run-down buildings while her daughter is playing satanism in her room. In a disorienting frenzy of trashing the witchcraftian objects and dolls in her daughter's room, Evelyn accidentally kills her with a sickle. The daughter, however, was spouting some sort of demonic gibberish just prior to be diced. This segues into the slasher part of the film where various passersby(including the alcoholic preacher, played by Bill Thurman, who carried Evelyn's funeral services)unknowingly stop off for lodging at the chain of shacks while a storm of nasty rain blasts down. Why anyone would pay for a building this run-down is beyond me..heck, Evelyn should be paying them just for their courage to carry out such a venture. Evelyn, hearing the haunting echoes of her daughter's commanding voice, begins traveling through an underground tunnel which lies under the shacks occupied by the guests. There is a secret door located in each bathroom so that Evelyn can slip in and slash throats using the sickle that murdered her daughter. Before any of the killing started, she tormented them with snakes(one bites the face of the man of a honeymooning couple), rats(crawling all over the preacher), and roaches(enjoying a little free time on the face and body of journeyman carpenter Crewshaw, played by Major Brock). You have advertising executive, Al(Will Mitchel)pretending to be a music exec for Columbia records so he can get laid, while the two girls just need a ride and place to stay for which he so humbly provides.

This is one of those weirdo $5 backwoods slashers where the filmmakers probably gathered together friends and neighbors to work cheap on the flick. The acting exposes their lack of talent. The film looks like it was filmed in the cheapest locale in Louisiana which actually adds to the film, I felt, instead of diminishing it. The director has a talent for lighting in ways through darkness and this provides some effective scenes at night..especially when you enter the cavernous tunnels below the shacks. Anna Chappell is effectively shot by the camera in off-angle ways presenting her as quite the creepy, bizarre character that she is. The gore is non-effective and laughable at best.

Some effective moments can not compensate, however, for an hour of nearly nothing happening..the pacing drags at a snail's pace. I felt the supernatural aspect fell flat as well. As a slasher, it works as a C-movie of interest to those head-over-heels for micro-budget, "how-low-can-you-go" brand of film-making.
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I can't believe...
anxietyresister9 April 2008
There are four pages of comments for this trash. What are you people, gluttons for punishment or something? Why anybody would sit through such a worthless timewaster and then bother writing about it is beyond me. But here I am doing exactly what I'm chastising you for. *SLAPS WRIST* Call it therapy if you will, but I have to take this opportunity to get back at the studio for unceremoniously ripping 90 minutes from my life and not refunding it. Just a small bit of payback, but better than nothing..

An mad old lady murders her daughter and the poor girl's pet rabbit. She claims it was an accident and everybody believes her, but as usual in these films one policeman gets suspicious. She also owns a hotel by a small town, and after the funeral she has a particularly busy night with the predictable assortment of guests e.g: A fat guy, two hot chicks, the loving couple, an old black dude etc. Most destined to be wormfood, but can our doubting Thomas copper save the day before things get TOO bloody?

Boredom kicks in early during a long irritating sequence in which the crazy old bat hears her dead daughter's voice in her head and continues it's steady progress as the unlovable stereotypical characters get picked off one by one. This is a genre movie of the worst kind, and whenever anything interesting starts to happen (a teen being hacked up, the beginning of a sex scene) the camera decides to cut away to a pointless unrelated moment, and all sense of excitement is lost. In fact, the only buzz I got from the entire mess was when the ending credits arrived, and the torture was over. HURRAY! Don't bother. 2/10
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With no doubt the worst movie I've ever seen!
Masterstroke9024 July 2009
I must say, this movie most appeared to me as a bad "Psycho"-inspired B-production... or maybe C...

A crazy older lady kills her daughter (by mistake, in rage, I don't know), an by some reason, she starts to kill every single person who comes to the motel (oh yeah, she owns a motel by the way) because she hears voices, which I think is the daughters voice, telling her that she must kill them ("you have to kill them, they know etc.). And that's about it. The movie is one big "Mountaintom Motel Massacre". I don't have much more to say, except; Don't waste time on this movie! If you like scary movies check out "The shining" instead.
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The Night Evelyn Filled Some Graves.
Coventry21 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Why this little movie receives such a low rating and such harshly negative reviews is a bit beyond me. Well, actually no, it's not ... "Mountaintop Motel Massacre" IS a pretty bad and poorly made textbook 80's slasher, but that doesn't mean it can't be fun for hardcore fans! Apart from the fantastic DVD-cover and tagline, M.M.M. sustains an overall creepy atmosphere (especially the music is scary) and the sets & scenery are often very effective (dolls!! Dolls are eerie!). However, the pacing is admittedly rather slow, the cinematography is way too dark and the murder sequences are tame and non-gory, which makes it all impossible to count it among the better efforts in a decade overcrowded by similar films. What the story mainly lacks is background info. The basic idea of a crazy old lady butchering the guests at her motel is interesting enough, but a bit more feedback about her condition would have been welcome. Early in the film, we find out that motel proprietress Evelyn spent a few years in a mental institution. It never becomes quite clear why she was admitted (her husband's passing, maybe?), but her teenage daughter Lori obviously fears she's not cured yet. Afer killing Lori, the voices inside Evelyn's head tell her that she'll end up in the madhouse again if she doesn't kill everyone else as well. The unfortunate victims are a couple of newlywed rednecks, two elderly men and a phony record producer hoping to score two chicks at once. Evelyn's murder methods are a bit awkward, as she initially unleashes all types of vermin on her guests before attacking them personally with a sickle. M.M.M features too many tedious moments in which absolutely nothing happens and the grand finale is sadly lethargic. I heard some bad things about the acting performances, but I actually thought they were adequate. The only truly embarrassing actors are the paramedics trying to revive Evelyn's daughter at the beginning of the film. And maybe the guy who gets bitten by a snake. Not a very good film, but it surely has some memorable and praiseworthy elements that shouldn't be overlooked. If you really think this is a hopelessly awful 80's slasher, then stay the hell away from titles like "Appointment with Fear" or "Hide and Go Shriek".
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Considering its limitations, it isn't all bad.
TOMASBBloodhound12 March 2008
So this is where the makers of last spring's Vacancy got the idea for their film! Well, maybe not but you cannot avoid recognizing the similarities of the plot. Moutaintop Motel Massacre is a title that pretty much sums things up. Atop one of the many pine-covered bluffs of western Arkansas sits a rundown motel run by a strange old woman. Early in the film, she kind of has an "accident" in the basement that results in the death of her daughter. Apparently, the daughter has been performing some kind of witchcraft that she may have learned from her mother. Anyway, the old woman sees what her daughter is up to and goes nuts. After her tantrum, the daughter is dead, and the old woman goes off the deep end. Matters also aren't helped by the fact that the old woman has recently been released from a mental institution. With this setup, it's a pretty safe guess that the next guests at her motel are not going to get much sleep.

For such a rundown motel, there sure are a lot of visitors that show up. We have a kindly old drunken preacher, a nice old carpenter, a couple of newlyweds, a phony record company exec, and two girls he picks up along the side of a rain-soaked highway. And I must say it's a good thing its raining, because these two nubile young women have forgotten to wear bras underneath their plain white tee shirts! As soon as the guests arrive, strange things begin to happen to them. First off, the old woman begins releasing various critters into their rooms. She uses a tunnel beneath the rooms to move about and enter each room when she likes. Just like in Vacancy. You can only do so much damage with one rattlesnake, a few rats, and a bag of roaches, so eventually the old woman breaks out her sickle and begins chopping these guests up. Will the law arrive in time to stop her, or will all rooms be vacant for the next night? The film really could have been worse. True, it has some dull spots that think they're suspenseful. And yes, some of the acting is awful. The newlyweds are particularly bad. But the film is really creepy. The music and lighting help this atmosphere, and its a good thing they do. The old woman just isn't that scary on her own. She really doesn't look like the picture on the DVD cover. The conclusion seems to be trying to leave room for a sequel, but this film was likely never even in theaters so that would have definitely been a reach. The film was actually sitting on someone's shelf for three years before it was even seen on cable. It will give you an unsettling feeling, but don't expect any huge scares. Few of these actors ever appeared in anything else! Psycho, this is not! 5 of 10 stars.

The Hound.
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heathera8529 September 2003
Only a horrifying film should be refered to as a "horror" film, and this movie certainly goes above and beyond what i expected. It contains everything that a horror movie should have; a creepy atmosphere (you have that feeling where you know there's just something not right about it from the get go), eerie music (this is what ties it all together so perfectly and keeps you looking over your shoulder. You can still hear the sound effects and demonic voices when you go to bed), the characters (you have to have good actors that are convincing in a serious film. With the presence of the two main characters in the intro, you know what you're instore for. You have the psychotic mother who was previously released from a mental ward, and a little girl who decievingly appears to be "normal", but is either possessed by evil spirits or just plain morbid), and last but not least an original story. Even to give a summary of the plot would not do the movie justice. But one thing is evident, this film is too abstruse for your general viewer of todays know who you are. This wonderful creation just goes to prove you don't have to be a hollywood writer to be remarkable.....actually you should stray as far from hollywood as possible.
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Please Do Not Disturb Evelyn. She Already Is
dagonseve24 July 2010
Originally filmed in 1983 but distributed in 1986, Mountaintop Motel Massacre was directed by Jim McCullough. Sr. You've probably never heard of this man, and neither have I for that matter, as his filmography as director, producer, and writer is extremely limited compared to the other masters of horror in the genre. His son is also in the business, credited as the writer and co-producer for this film. For those of you who are acquainted with 1980's Motel Hell or Eaten Alive starring Robert Englund from 1977, you may be pleased to know that Mountaintop Motel Massacre (that really is a mouthful isn't it?) slightly resembles the two but cannot be considered a reproduction of either.

The story begins with a brief introduction of Evelyn Chambers, a middle-aged woman who was admitted to Arkansas State Mental Hospital from 1978 to 1981. The film brings us to present day and we quickly learn that Evelyn runs a mountain-side motel with her daughter Lori. After discovering that Lori has an interest in the occult and secretly performs rituals in the bowels of the complex, Evelyn loses her sense of composure and reason; causing her to relapse into insanity and resort to her murderous tendencies. The death of her daughter raises suspicion among the community, especially that of the town Sheriff and the Reverend Bill McWiley (played by Bill Thurman - I drew a connection to him from the 1985 western Silverado). The Sheriff does not believe that the heinous act was a result of an accident but murder. In the aftermath of Lori's funeral, Evelyn continues doing business at her motel with various strangers from the road looking to shack-up for the night - only there's one problem: Evelyn's mental state is in disarray and her psychotic behavior upon the denizens of the motel has just begun.

One of the best features contained within this title is the soundtrack - it's wonderfully eerie. Fans who are curious of this film shouldn't expect a full musical score with a brass and wood section but a more synth-based medium and a few notes played at a time in a slow and ghoulish manner. In some cases, that's all a film requires - especially one with a premise like this. The motel environment is dark and foreboding (perhaps a little too dark in certain areas but the copy I was watching is a VHS rip) and for fun, a macabre and bizarre doll motif is tossed into the tumbler of horrors. Naturally, there's a storm brooding on the horizon and eventually we see a flash of lightning through the windows - just a typical illustration to heighten the experience for the audience. In modern film, this cliché is often mocked or ridiculed; understandable of course but every genre has over-used and vapid expressions of mood.

Individuals who have seen Moutaintop Motel Massacre compare it laterally with 2007's Vacancy starring Luke Wilson and Kate Beckinsale. Give it a rest, guys. The two movies aren't anything alike, at all...the only correlation that's apparent is the use of a secluded motel with a crazed owner. Is Mountaintop Motel Massacre a rip-off of Psycho? No. Elitists need to stop drinking the "we hate the mainstream because it's popular" Kool-Aid. I'm not an ardent supporter of all things trendy but a line needs to be drawn somewhere. What can we learn about this rant? Mountaintop Motel Massacre is a film of its own.

This film wallows in a Slasher concoction but it's not exclusive to it. The term "mood piece" has been used to describe this movie - it's a perfect label, too. The spree-killings are not ingenious or original and the actor who plays Evelyn is less than impressive. Aside from Bill Thurman, most of the cast started and ended their careers with Mountaintop Motel Massacre; accurately designating it as a B-rated flick. Nevertheless, with a cheap budget and an amateur assemblage of thespians, the end result is gratifying and stands as a deserving inclusion to my collection.
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Take it or leave it film (spoilers)
lthseldy111 September 2003
Warning: Spoilers
Yes this film is very cheap and the actors are hammy but it's a good film for those that appreciate a good cheezy low budget no name actor film. There was less gore than I thought, I thought that the idea of placing a snake, rats and cock roaches in the rooms of the guests took alot out of the film but I guess that it was needed because of the idea that the killer got out of the Bible of the plagues. Some scenes in the movie were quite funny, like the way one of the victims looked with that snake bite that made half his cheek swell up like half his cheek was injected with some kind of hormone or something. And the preacher calling the hotel the roach motel. But I don't understand why the guests did not spot the killer early on before they were victimized. It's a good film to watch, it's very cheezy but I love a good cheezy film anyway, but if your looking for gore scenes or slashers avoid it.
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