Rumble Fish (1983) Poster


Parents Guide

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Sex & Nudity

  • There are several instances of female nudity.
  • A young man fantasies about his girlfriend being in a bra and stockings during class, she is on top of a bookshelf sitting down, she removes her jacket showing the bra and stockings, no explicit nudity and it goes by fast.
  • Protagonist and group of male and female friends break into a lake house and have a sex party. Teens are seen briefly in a pile partly naked and cavorting. Protagonist is seen with topless buxom female, implying sex, for which his girlfriend later breaks up over this infidelity. Some brief male full rear and bare breast nudity.
  • There is a sequence lasting roughly 20 seconds where a topless girl and young man make out with implied sex.

Violence & Gore

  • Two young men fight in a stylized sequence, and several punches and kicks are thrown, which bloody their faces somewhat; one pulls a knife and repeatedly tries to kill the other with it; his face is then smashed through a window leaving it bloody; the fight ends with the other being slashed with a shard of glass across the torso. Blood drips everywhere as two others try to help him. The assailant is then hit with a motorcycle.
  • A character pours wine on the other character's cut. The wounded character arches his back and screams briefly.
  • During a mugging, a young man is chased and hit over the head with a pipe (some blood on his face); he has an out-of-body experience as a result; the muggers are then attacked by another young man who leaves them unconscious in the street.
  • A young man is killed offscreen by one or two gunshots. Nothing is heard; some blood is on his face afterwards.


  • 56 uses of 'fuck', 13 of 'shit', a few of 'chick', 2 of 'asshole', and 1 of 'bitch'.

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking

  • Someone snorts cocaine for a couple of seconds in a bar, we mostly see the user. A fair amount of smoking and drinking. It's mentioned that Cassandra has been doing heroin. It's said that Biff had been "popping pills" before the rumble.

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • Some strong violence, including a rather brutal fight and a wound-treating.

See also

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