Castle of Evil (1966) Poster

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Say Wasn't That.....?
bsmith555217 March 2002
"Castle of Evil" is haunted castle movie much in the style of Roger Corman and England's Hammer productions. Although it doesn't quite measure up to those productions, it is a competent little horror flick.

The story involves a group of people who are summoned to a mysterious castle for the reading of the will of the man who has virtually destroyed each of their lives individually. Their host unfortunately has just passed away, or has he? The film contains most of the usual horror cliches and settings. There are the secret passages, sliding doors, dark shadows, murders and the requisite mysterious housekeeper.

The film is boosted by its veteran cast of actors who had all seen better days but were still able to deliver solid performances. Scott Brady is the hero of the piece and Virginia Mayo effectively plays a discarded mistress. Hugh Marlowe is along as a doctor, David Brian as a lawyer and the lovely Lisa Gaye as Brady's love interest. Shelley Morrison is quite good as the housekeeper.

What now makes this film memorable is the resemblance of the character "Kovic" to a certain former U.S. president. See if you agree.
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Ensemble Creaky Old House Movie Fails at Nearly Every Level
Vornoff-32 July 2003
It's a shame, movies like this are generally what I'm looking for, but `Castle of Evil' doesn't even manage the level of suspense of a `Dark Shadows' episode - and is about as talky and stagy as that series. On the whole, this movie is down there somewhere with the Philippino `Blood Island' series, and the more than competent cast gives some of the most wooden performances of their careers. It is easy to see that Hugh Marlowe was just about ready to begin his interminable run on `Another World' because this is about as close to the Soaps as horror ever comes.

The plot is a tried-and-true midnight will reading preceding the six people locked in a house knowing one of them is a murderer routine. Fair enough, but the movie betrays what interest the audience might have in trying to resolve the mystery by showing us the murderer in the first few minutes, then even going so far as to demonstrate the means used for the slayings before the mystery is even fully underway. What could have been an interesting group of characters, each suspecting the others and forming alliances and theories degenerates into a group of non-entities being stalked by a Slasher-type disfigured killer (with minimal gore). The contrived ending seems far, far too long in coming.

Natives of Nassau will be offended by the racism of the script and hispanics of all backgrounds will no doubt take issue with the pronunciation of the character Lupe's name (sounds like `Loopy'). Scott Brady seems to be dating one of his daughter's friends, and poor Hugh Marlowe just looks confused as Virginia Mayo's tramp character (`just call me Sable, dear') comes onto him. Overall, one gets the feeling everyone in the cast just wanted to get their check and forget about the whole ordeal. Perhaps we should do them a favor and do the same.
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"I'd swear on a stack of phone books"????
planktonrules14 December 2016
The above quote, as insane as it is, is from this odd little horror film. In fact a lot of this film is insane...and watchable IF you like schlocky movies.

When the film starts, six folks who hated Kovic (and vice-versa) are invited to the dead guy's mansion to discuss his will. He promises to give them his fortune but they need to figure out which of them booby-trapped his experiment and made him into a horrid dead guy who is missing part of his face. However, it's all a pretext just to get them in the house to kill them one by one.

The premise is ordinary enough but the execution is rather poor. And the plot is just nuts--with zombies and lasers and all sorts of silliness that simply don't belong in a movie! Overall, a rather stupid but oddly enjoyable mess of a film.
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a varied and interesting cast in a perfunctory -- and weird -- horror exercise
jim-25119 November 1998
On the surface, CASTLE OF EVIL is a movie about a bunch of people who are threatened my a business-suited robot (with a really bad skin condition) who promenades about the secret passages of a Gothic castle in Nassau (?!). But look again! The film features Scott "Journey to the Center of Time" Brady, Hugh "Earth Vs. The Flying Saucers" Marlowe, Lisa "House on Haunted Hill" Gaye, Virginia "I guess that blows this spook stuff!" Mayo, and last but certainly not least "Shelley Morrison" -- a stunning South American Indian-featured woman -- as "Natividad Esperanza", and her pet gecko-on-a-leash. Secret doors, native superstition, and Shelley at the surveillance console...the movie's a smorgasbord of cliches, bad reads and improbability, but it's great to see this wild assortment of actors ply their trade amidst the pseudo-gothic surroundings. And anyone who can tell us the real name of "Shelley Morrison" will get a heartfelt thank you for those of us who fell in love with her in close up.
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Castle of clichés.
BA_Harrison22 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Castle of Evil seems to be a largely forgotten film: it's only listed in one of my reference books, I can't find it on DVD, and I couldn't find it on any streaming site. YouTube it is then, in fairly terrible quality...

The basic plot for the film is a collection of hoary old horror clichés: six people are invited to the reading of the will of reclusive scientist Kovic (Thourlby) at his creepy castle on an island near Nassau. They are greeted by housekeeper Lupe Tekal d'Esperanza (Shelley Morrison), who reads the rules of the will: if any of the group should die before the will is filed the following morning, the estate will be shared between the remaining beneficiaries. Lupe also reveals that Kovic's death was not an accident, and that one of the six was responsible - the group must find out who committed the crime in order to inherit their share, not an easy ask since each has their own reason for hating the man.

As is de rigueur for the genre, the castle comes complete with endless gloomy corridors, a mad scientist's lab, and secret passageways, a storm rages throughout the night, and people start to turn up dead. The film adds a little originality to proceedings when we learn who (or should that be 'what'?) is responsible for the killings: a robot created in the image of Kovic and programmed with the scientist's evil, controlled by Lupe, who hated her boss and engineered his demise. There's also an acid vapor chamber for disposing of bodies and a laser gun in the lab, which comes in handy when battling a killer robot!

It's often the case that famous actresses either start their careers in trashy horror or end up slumming in them -- Castle of Evil sees '40s blonde bombshell Virginia Mayo reduced to z-grade schlock horror in order to earn a paycheck; she is joined by B-movie/TV stars Scott Brady, Lisa Gaye, Hugh Marlowe and David Brian. This capable cast are given very little to do for most of the film, which spends an awfully long time on dull chit-chat before getting to the murders. When the robot is finally activated and sent on his way, the subsequent deaths are tame and bloodless, making the rest of the action just as dull as the talky stuff.
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Mediocre, played lower bills in theaters
r-shasta27 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
A bunch of hopeful heirs to the estate of a reclusive but wealthy scientist arrives on an isolated island to hear the will. The sinister housekeeper, Lupe (well played by Shelley Morrison) turns out to be in cahoots with the horribly scarred scientist. But there is a murderous, equally horribly scarred zombie robot the scientist has made in his own image that threatens and / or starts killing some of the assembled heirs. It becomes a race against time for the survivors to uncover the person responsible for the scientist's disfigurement, to call off the rampages of the robot. The story has some nice touches but the soap opera dialog and unpleasant characters keep Castle of Evil in constant low gear. It is good to see the underrated Lisa Gaye but her character is so dull. Hugh Marlowe and Scott Brady are well cast, and Brady provides a tongue in cheek attitude when he keeps referring Lupe as 'Loopy.' Virginia Mayo is terrible, and she seems to know it... The zombie is menacing, however. As played by William Thourlby, the zombie scientist only has to cock his head slightly to be frightening. (Thourlby was the star of the lamentable Z-movie, The Creeping Terror.) Paul Dunlap's music is not boring and kept waking me up. The secluded castle has many unusual features, including an elaborate electronics and surveillance system.
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One for Shelley Morrison fans!
JohnHowardReid10 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Not copyright. U.S. release through World Entertainment Corp./United Pictures: November 1966. U.K. release through Compton-Cameo: February 1967. Banned in Australia. 7,241 feet. 81 minutes.

SYNOPSIS: Six people are summoned to a remote Caribbean island for a reading of a disfigured chemist's will. The chemist's ghost informs the heirs that one of them was directly responsible for his disfiguration. That night, the chemist's doctor is murdered. The housekeeper is also fatally attacked. Before dying, she explains that her master had created an electronic monster who has been programmed to kill the heirs one by one.

COMMENT: Even rabid Virginia Mayo admirers will be hard put to glean much satisfaction from this cheapjack "attraction". Not that the fault is Miss Mayo's. It's rather the ploddingly unexciting script and mindlessly static direction that are chiefly to blame for the movie's almost total lack of suspense. In fact, the only player who comes across with credit is Shelley Morrison who corners all the most colorful scenes and has all the attention-grabbing lines. The director seems to like her too. She gets just about all the close-ups - only the monster runs her anywhere close.

OTHER VIEWS: Any hopes aroused by the tensely ingratiating confrontation between Natividad Vacio and Shelley Morrison in the pre-credits Prologue, are quickly dashed by a couple of exceptionally tedious scenes of boring exposition before our travelers are eventually ensconced in the title castle.

Even the robotic zombie as woodenly enacted and none too convincingly made up, fails to inspire much interest, let alone terror. The plot invention leading to the monster's final demise is introduced with all the subtlety of an elephant stampede. Penny-pinching production values and an abrupt conclusion don't help either. - JHR writing as George Addison.

Lyon's direction is so labored, the film sinks without trace, despite competent performances from Scott Brady and Hugh Marlowe. - Monthly Film Bulletin.
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"I attract bums like a park bench"
hwg1957-102-2657048 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Six people are invited to a cliff top castle in Nassau to hear a will. The will has been made by a dead man whom they hated but who will leave his money to those innocent if they discover the identity of the person who killed said dead man. The storm rages outside, the castle is full of strange passages and a housekeeper with a pet gecko watches them on closed circuit television. Also is the dead man dead? And who is the disfigured man in the well tailored suit? With those ingredients it is a shame the film is lacking in suspense, excitement and terror.

The main cast, Scott Brady, Virginia Mayo, David Brian, Lisa Gaye and Hugh Marlowe have all been in better things and can't do much with the silly dialogue. Shelley Morrison as Lupe Tekal d'Esperanza is probably the best thing. A black cat also appears for two seconds. The sets are adequate however and Paul Dunlap provides a good music score.

It is an underwhelming film overall.
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creepy old chiller
johnc21419 August 2010
I had originally seen this on creature features on channel 5 in new jersey and back then it was scary,recently re watched it on you tube,in a very well recreated creature features with commercials.just like i remembered it,a creepy old chiller.back in the day this was scary.old castle,secret doors,a ghoul,and yes a player piano.with some good actors in it led by the late great Scott Brady(destination inner space)Lisa Gaye(shake rattle and rock)Virginia Mayo(white heat)and Hugh Marlowe(day the earth stood still)i enjoyed this little horror flick even though its no masterpiece and not as good as the original house on haunted hill.but it does have its moments.they don't make them like this anymore and if they tried remaking it there would be lots of overdone cg effects,6 pout of 10.
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An enjoyably standard spookfest
venusboys317 August 2019
I only recently got a chance to see this again, last having seen it as a little kid. It's not breaking any new ground but I think it stands as a good example of the 'Old Dark House' variety spook movie. The technical aspects are the weak spot here, it's blandly lit and everything is presented in a matter-of-fact way... sucking out most of the atmosphere (but not all). The actors all do a good job with the minimal writing. I was particularly taken with Virginia Mayo who seemed to actually be enjoying it somewhat.

NO, it's not really scary... but it's got a mood to it and a few creepy moments that kept me watching... and frankly it's more entertaining that most of the bottom-shelf stuff I find on Amazon lately.
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Low budget, creepy genre stew
tony-19058 May 2019
One part Roger Corman Poe movie, one part "Ten Little Indians," and one part "Stagecoach," in that six disparate (but stereotypical) character types are thrown in together in a deadly situation, "Castle of Evil" is cheap, but not bad, if you go with it. Six suspects of the murder of a vindictive scientist are gathered together by the victim in his creepy castle and told to ferret out the killer among them; the others will then become heirs to the dead man's fortune. Except that the dead man may not be quite as dead as they think. Talky, static scenes are offset by some genuinely creepy moments. The cast of veterans is for the most part fine (Virginia Mayo as an aging working girl is the weak link) though it does look a bit like the horror version of one of those A.C. Lyles old-timer Westerns of the same era. An odd sci-fi angle fights the horror angle a bit, but not fatally so. Worth a look...if you can find it.
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Glossy and trite
lor_5 April 2024
One of my sci-fi/horror/fantasy reviews written 50 years ago: Directed by Francis D. Lyon; Produced by Earle Lyon for World Entertainment release. Screenplay by Charles Wallace; Photography by Brick Marquard; Edited by Robert Eisen; Music by Paul Dunlap. Starring: Virginia Mayo, Scott Brady, David Brian, Hugh Marlowe, Lisa Gaye and Shelley Morrison.

Title of this horror movie is misleading - it is a contemporary story in the tired vein of: heirs gathering together for the reading of a will at a gloomy edifice -who will survive? Extremely trite and glossy goings-on, with one switch being the deceased having created an electronic duplicate of himself to carry out his revenge on his greedy heirs.
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