Born for Glory (1935) Poster

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A Ripping Yarn, featuring a young John Mills:
robertguttman3 March 2017
In this, his first starring role in a movie during the course of a remarkable acting career that would span no less than seven decades, John Mills is perfectly cast as a plucky young sailor. This was the first of many heroic rolls that Mills would subsequently fill. In fact, for a while Mills played so many heroes that it was jokingly asserted that Britain could not have won World War II without him.

Originally entitled "Brown on Resolution", this movie is based upon a story by C. S. Forester, the author of the famous Horatio Hornblower novels. However, Like "The African Queen", which was also written by Forester, this naval yarn is set in the early days of World War I.

John Mills plays Albert Brown, a young Royal Navy seaman, the illegitimate son of a Royal Navy Officer who is not actually aware that he has a child at all. Assigned to an antiquated British cruiser in the Pacific, Brown's ship is sunk by a more powerful German warship early in World I. Rescued by the enemy warship, which puts into a lonely Pacific island for repairs, Brown steals a rifle and escapes ashore in an effort to keep the Germans pinned down long enough for his own Navy to arrive on the scene.

This is the sort of old-fashioned "Ripping Yarn" in which the lone hero pits himself against overwhelming odds for reasons of loyalty, duty and honor that would seem incomprehensible to people nowadays, but which struck a deep chord with audiences back then.

Incidentally, this film is also notable to naval history buffs due to the fact that the British Admiralty allowed the producers to use real warships that were in commission at the time. Among those are the battleship HMS Iron Duke, which was the flagship during the 1916 Battle of Jutland, and which was then still in service as a gunnery training ship. Also featured is one of five British light cruisers of the Leander class, all of which subsequently distinguished themselves during World War II, most particularly HMS Ajax and HMS Achilles, which would famously battle the German pocket battleship Graf Spee. Also of note, although for a very different reason, is the WW-I vintage light cruiser cruiser HMS Curacoa, which portrayed the German cruiser in the film. On the night of 2 October 1942 HMS Curacoa was sunk in a tragic collision with the passenger liner Queen Mary. The 80,000 ton liner literally sliced the elderly cruiser in half, like a hot knife through butter. However, the Queen Mary was unable to stop to help the survivors because she was transporting 10,000 badly-needed U.S. Army troops to Britain. For obvious reasons the tragedy had to be hushed up until after the war was over, even the 10,000 troops who were on board the Queen Mary at the time being sworn to secrecy. Although 101 crew members were eventually rescued by other escorting warships, 337 went down with HMS Curacoa,
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Able Seaman John Mills
boblipton6 August 2019
When his outmatched ship is sunk by a German one, John Mills is picked up by the Germans. When the Germans put into land to make repairs, Mills escapes with a rifle and determination that they will not make those repairs before a superior British ship can catch up with them.

It's a first for John Mills in a leading role -- although Betty Balfour as his mother is top-billed, her movie career was just about over. It's also a first credit for writer C.S. Forester, whose story this is based on.He wrote the novel on which the earlier PAYMENT DEFERRED (1932) was based, without a screen credit.

Director Walter Forde uses the skills he picked up in the silent cinema to tell the story visually; Mills' climbing atop the rocks and potting the repair workers is accompanied by some German speech, but Mills must use pantomime to convey his thoughts. It must have been an educational experience for his career, which would extend into the 21st Century.
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man versus battleship
myriamlenys16 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
"Brown on resolution" aka "Forever England" begins with the courtship of the hero's parents - and believe me, it is difficult to sit through these scenes, they are as unpleasantly sweet as cough sirop. These scenes are followed by a number of episodes about the hero's childhood and adolescence ; they tell the viewer something about the educational system involved, but aren't all that interesting from a dramatic or narrative viewpoint. Still, I advise you to suffer in silence, since the movie gets better as it goes along.

The movie works towards a tremendously exciting climax, with a lone sniper trying to delay the repairs on a damaged war ship. The people on the war ship are not amused and the result is a riveting cat-and-mouse game on a dangerous island (well, on a dangerous heap of rocks).

Strangely enough - and I'm pretty sure the makers of the movie did not intend it to be so - the movie can be read as a excellent argument PRO the killing of war prisoners. Consider the following facts : a war ship belonging to nation A is sunk by a war ship belonging to nation B. A young sailor escapes from the sinking ship and is saved by the warship belonging to nation B. His hosts treat him well, with good food, good company and good medical care. The young man escapes from the ship, armed with a rifle, and proceeds to shoot the hell out of his hosts. So why should any nation be foolish enough to take prisoners, or to treat these prisoners kindly ?

For clarity's sake, I'm not arguing in favour of routine killing of war prisoners ; I'm just remarking that the movie might very well be construed as such an argument. So there's that to consider in evaluating "Brown on resolution".
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Actor H.G.Stoker who played part of Captain Holt.
selsley14 June 2001
Brown on Resolution is an interesting film as one of the actors, an Irishman Henry Hugh Gordon Stoker was in World War I the Captain of an Australian Submarine "AE2". In 1915 this submarine was the first to penetrate the mined narrows of the Dardanelles, to enter the Sea of Marmara and after a series of naval engagements was scuttled. H.G. Stoker became a prisoner-of-war where his natural acting talents were used in a number of ways including unsuccessful escape attempts. He left the Navy about 1921 to persue an acting career. He was recalled to active service in 1939. He plays the part of Captain Holt with a certain authenticity.
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Still effective
gaumont-9579419 July 2019
Notwithstanding the fact that 12 minutes has been edited out this is still an effective flag waver
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Effective propaganda piece
Leofwine_draca13 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
FOREVER ENGLAND is a typical but effective propaganda piece from Britain, set during the First World War. This time around the naval theatre of combat is concentrated upon, with youthful sailors John Mills and Jimmy Hanley given top billing. They play men who find themselves captured by a German vessel, but Mills manages to escape and wage a one-man war on the enemy, RAMBO-style. It's simplistic stuff but undeniably stirring, with careful character building early on giving way to some surprisingly modern-feeling action at the climax.
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a marvelous setting degraded by an boy scout's story
wvisser-leusden28 September 2012
A truly splendid idea: make a film about World War I, in the film-lookouts that were fashionable one hundred years ago. In this respect 'Forever England' is marvelous.

But unfortunately this film's plot provides us with the usual cheap stuff about the English, coming out superior against a bunch of slightly retarded Germans. This below-level picture is aggravated by the extensive use of boy scout-morals, insulting your common sense.

The reality from World War I was far different: a grim & merciless struggle. In the end Germany was defeated because its opponents England and France were greatly supported by the USA. Before this American intervention, England's superior navy deadlocked Germany's superior army.
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Effective boys own adventure story
malcolmgsw11 August 2020
When this film was remade by Fox in the fifties audiences were given a choice as to whether Brown lived or died.John Mills early in his film career gives an excellent performance as Brown.Also on his way up is a very young Jimmy Hanley.On her way down is Betty Balfour,star of the silent era,whose attempt at a comeback flopped.There were only two more film appearances after this.
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Britannia rules the waves.
Neil-11710 October 2000
Pre-WW2 propaganda piece proving that the British people have the sea in their veins and courage in their hearts. Sentiment and nationalism are laid on thickly and there are many special treats for those who enjoy watching model warships floating in a bathtub while pretending to shoot each other.

I doubt there'd have been a dry eye in the house during the 1930s but today you've really got to be in the mood for this kind of thing to rise above cliche. If you could happily watch "Mrs Miniver" or "Goodbye Mr Chips" tonight, then you're already in the right mood.

John Mills in one of his first starring roles gives a genuinely excellent performance as a heroic British naval seaman.
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Great celluloid version of the CS Forrestor book
jtan1639 August 2005
This is a great film version of CS Forrestor's book of the same title.

I love the book and I love the movie.

Great story of determination in the face of long odds.

Brown one of two able seaman to survive a cruiser sinking after an engagement with a German cruiser is picked up by the damaged German cruiser.

The German cruiser needs repairs and chooses a bay on a rocky inhospitable island.

While the ship is immobile Borown steals a rifle and escapes ashore - he manages to snipe at the Germans repairing the ship for long enough for the rest of the British squadron to find and engage the German cruiser.
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confusing, muddly narrative bogs down nice action scenes
blom034428 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The DVD I own uses 'Forever England' as its title displaying an non-descript other type of armored cruiser on the box having no relevance to the ships used in the film. Well, these are minor issues with a film so muddled in narrative. Opening in 1893 (?) , with Queen Victoria still alive and well, it manages to present a poster featuring the later King George V in the opening scenes. A completely redundant scene to introduce us to the future parents of the character played by John Mills. The story then leap-frogs to the young Mills going through training and embarking on one of those obsolete naval vessels still in abundance at the start of WW I. The Germans are befriended in waters far away, a bit of nice rivalry occurs, war breaks out in an instant, the bigger gunned German cruiser annihilates the old tub Mills sails in. Mills survives, is picked up , cared for and manages to escape when the cruiser reaches an Island for repairs. Up to this point it was all mildly interesting with Mills his usual competent self and quite a view nice naval shots. (Dreadnoughts close-up, Leander class cruiser) To stall the cruiser, Mills sabotages the repair by shooting his German buddy in the back. My jaw dropped. He could easily have shot the German standing 3 feet away, or aimed for a leg. But no, he simply executes his earlier buddy deliberately. A bit as if Schindler decided to turn in the 1000 saved Jews after a bit of soul searching by the end of 1944. And this type of behavior would have inspired people? John Mills makes the best of it and we get to see a few interesting technical scenes, but unwatchable towards the end. Avoid.
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Even the cut version is well worth seeing!
JohnHowardReid27 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Sound recording: Philip Dorte, T.S. Lyndon-Haynes. British Acoustic Film Sound System. Producer: Michael Balcon. Made on location and at Gaumont-British Studios, Shepherd's Bush. A Gaumont-British Picture, presented by the Rank Organisation and released in the U.K. by International Film Renters.

Copyright 15 May 1935 by Gaumont British Picture Corp. of America. New York opening at the Globe: 20 October 1935. U.K. release: 11 November 1935. London opening at the New Gallery: 12 May 1935. Australian release through 20th Century-Fox: December 1935. 80 minutes. (The USA version only is available only on a middling quality Carlton VHS).

U.S. release title (in a 70-minute version): BORN FOR GLORY. Shooting and pre-release title: BROWN ON RESOLUTION. U.S.A. alternative title: TORPEDO RAIDER.

SYNOPSIS: Lone British sailor corners German battleship.

NOTES: First non-documentary to be made with the full co-operation of the British Admiralty, who lent four warships plus 270 naval personnel to Gaumont-British.

Re-made in 1953 as Sailor of the King.

COMMENT: Although Forde didn't like John Mills in the lead part, I thought he was very effective, his diminutive stature further reinforcing the tension and irony of the central situation. I thought him far superior in every respect, including acting, credibility and charisma to the remake's Jeffrey Hunter. In fact, the whole film is more entertaining and suspenseful.

True, the only version currently available is the American, which was cut by some ten or eleven minutes. Lord knows what's missing — perhaps some training sequences or on-shore high-jinks — as there are no gaps in the story-line which moves admirably fast and manages to introduce more conflict in its 70 minutes than "Sailor of the King" in 84.

It was a stroke of genius to introduce an early mate-ship between Brown and a German sailor (remarkably well played by Howard Marion Crawford, looking amazingly youthful and fit, and effecting a most convincing German accent as well), and why this suspenseful device was not retained for the re-make is a mystery.

Not only is the pace faster, the story more engrossing, the characters more sympathetic, but the staging is superior too. The action spots are most excitingly contrived. This version has a freshness and vitality in its acting and direction that makes the newer film look dated and old-hat. (It was a big mistake for "Sailor of the King" to update the plot to WW2. A story that is believable in 1914 can sound incredible in a setting 30 years later).

Production values are excellent too, with real warships and crowded studio sets.

Admittedly, Betty Balfour is a shade old-fashioned but her role (at least in this 70 minute version) is much smaller than her top billing would imply. Barry Mackay carries himself with quiet authority, whilst Percy Walsh is realistic as the German captain. Photography (not seen at its best in this somewhat dupey print) and other credits are first-rate.
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The power of the one determined individual.
planktonrules23 June 2017
"Born to Glory" is almost like two films in one. The first part, which is actually pretty much unnecessary, is about a simple sailor, Albert Brown (John Mills) meeting and marrying a woman. This portion is pleasant but not especially compelling. However, when Albert goes to to sea the film improves considerably...especially after war breaks out and Albert's ship is sunk by a German ship. He and what's left of the crew are taken prisoner by the same German ship...a ship damaged but not sunk in the encounter. Albert manages to escape and then wages a one man war on the Germans...shooting at them and harassing them as they try to repair their ship. It's all very exciting...and a great example of a simple individual rising to the occasion. Overall, this is a well made and inspiring film--one that gets better as the movie progresses.
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