IMDb Polls

Poll: A Goofy Anniversary

"Gwarsh!"... Can you believe that the most iconic animated anthropomorphic dog (or was he a 'doggy' man?) is turning 85?

On this occasion and in homage to the man behind the iconic laugh and holler, voice legend who passed away 50 years ago, which of these four memorable incarnations of Goofy is your personal favorite?

After voting, you may discuss here

Results of 312 votes:

  1. 1.

    Clock Cleaners (1937)

    As one third of the legendary Disney trio
  2. 2.

    Jason Marsden and Bill Farmer in A Goofy Movie (1995)

    As Max' father
  3. 3.


    As an athlete or sportsman in the "How To..." sport-themed series
  4. 4.

    Fathers Are People (1951)

    As George Geef, an everyday man

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