The Boy with Green Hair (1948) Poster

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very unusual and original children's film
funkyfry13 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
"Boy with Green Hair" is a film that challenges the concept that a film must have a complex message in order to have a profound one. The film's message is simple and it is not subtly stated – this is a children's movie that wants to send an important message so I don't think it could afford to be. When you contrast the movie with some of the recent fantasy/faerie tale films like "Pan's Labrynth" that are unsuitable for children's viewing, it's pretty amazing that this film manages to tackle a topic like the evils of war in a way that's effective and yet completely non-violent. I think when you make an anti-war film that shows extreme violence (as did "Labrynth" as well as films like "Full Metal Jacket" and "Apocalypse Now") you're always running a risk that the violence itself will become exploitative and the film will contain a note of hypocrisy. In this case the film-makers, who included cult director Joseph Losey (who was later blacklisted from Hollywood and pursued a career in England), chose a completely symbolic approach to addressing the issue of war orphans and generally speaking the painful consequences of war. Given that the film aimed to communicate its ideas to children it's clear why they had to make the symbolism explicit. Although I'm not sure how well this film "holds up", I think it's also a remarkable children's movie for the fact that it shows a child in a really difficult dramatic situation (dealing with the loss of his parents and with rejection from his friends at school because of his little hair problem) and it doesn't talk down to the kid but rather treats his concerns seriously. This isn't one of those movies where you're supposed to laugh at how innocent the kid is, and it's not one of those movies where the kid teaches adults how they should behave. It's actually a sad statement about how our civilization countenances a tragedy that is clearly morally wrong. Just like the voice of a man's own conscience, a deaf ear can easily be turned to the child who dares to speak this obvious truth.

Dean Stockwell plays the "boy" of the film's title, and his performances makes up for a lot of the deficiencies technically or even artistically speaking with some other parts of the film. It was kind of strange how good he was compared to Robert Ryan, who was saddled with a dull role that had no narrative involvement. Even considering the limitations of the role his whole performance seemed oddly like that of a novice actor. Pat O'Brien fares a bit better in his role as the boy's guardian (there's an implication that he is not even related, as the boy has been shuttled from one relative to another until his supply of kin seems to have been exhausted… this is told in a startlingly cold and direct montage showing the fronts of all the houses he's lived in ), though even considering the character is a former vaudevillian I thought his performance was much too broad. I want to emphasize however how little these limitations actually hurt the film, certainly from a child's perspective. Stockwell's performance is so dynamic and believable that it makes you feel like a space alien or some kind of god dropped him in the middle of this movie. Probably that's part of the desired effect in terms of the story of this boy with the "green hair". I can't imagine another child actor in any era who could have done a better job. Stockwell is a treasure of American cinema and he was showing it already as far back as this gem.

I don't have that much more to say about this movie; usually my comments are full of "spoilers" but for some reason in the case of this film I just don't think it's necessary to dissect the thing too much….. it is a gem after all. Not that it's a perfect film, but it also isn't a perfect world, is it? And this movie does describe the real world, in a way that I think probably communicates very strongly with young people. I do wish I had seen it as a youngster, because I just don't think it could possibly be as powerful for adults. Actually it kind of made me ashamed to be an adult in a world that could go on like this. Just like the adults who silenced the "green haired boy", I think there are adults who would silence the message of this film (and its director), but I think the real culprits are all of the rest of us, however well-intentioned: those of us who simply choose not to listen to or act upon such a self-evident truth.

p.s. is it just me because I have Harry Potter on my mind, or is this a possible influence on J.K. Rowling's stories? The film was quite a cult hit in England as is Losey in general, and we have many common elements here -- the orphan of war whose special (messainic) fate is marked out by a physical mark on his head? I've never heard of Rowling speaking of this movie but it wouldn't surprise me at all if she'd seen it as a youngster.
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A bold, vibrant children's fantasy
ackstasis28 May 2009
'The Boy with Green Hair (1948)' feels very much like a British film. I'm not quite sure why, but it's probably not because of Pat O'Brien's would-be Irish accent. The manner in which director Joseph Losey blends vivid working-class realism with elements of fantasy reminded me of Carol Reed's 'A Kid for Two Farthings (1955).' Both films feature a boy protagonist using fantasy to find solace amid the harsh realities of life – in Peter Fry's case, to come to terms with the death of both parents during the London Blitz. Young Dean Stockwell, who the previous year had played Nick Charles Jr. in 'Song of the Thin Man (1947),' gives a surprisingly mature and sensitive performance as the youth whose hair inexplicably turns green one morning. Displaying unique range for an actor of his age (and upstaging his adult co-stars), Stockwell oscillates between fresh-faced enthusiasm, timidity, resolution, and, in the film's framing sequences, a hardened resentment towards society.

Losey released his film in the relative calm between the end of World War Two and the slowly escalating Cold War, when the United States was still coming to terms with its losses. Far from simply being a fluffy, imaginative children's film, 'The Boy with Green Hair' has more ambitious aspirations, an anti-war film only years after Hollywood collectively urged audiences to stand up and fight. Given that the director was later blacklisted for alleged Communist affiliations, one finds it tempting to regard his film as political allegory of sorts. Stockwell's Peter Fry is an ordinary boy, liked and respected by his friends and acquaintances throughout town. Then he is physically branded with an arbitrary label, one that doesn't change the sort of person he was or is, but that is nevertheless viewed by society as unnatural and potentially dangerous. He is ostracised, harassed, and abandoned by his friends, ultimately forced to flee their persecution. Peter Fry was labeled with green hair; Losey, and hundreds like him, was labelled a Communist.

Every time I watch a film with Pat O'Brien he's forced to play it straight, so it was good to see him having some fun as Gramps, a faded Irish vaudeville performer who takes Stockwell's war orphan into his home and proudly adopts him as a grandson. Behind the hammy accent there's something distinctly wistful about O'Brien's performance, the ghost of a tired old man clinging to his long-gone youth, unable to properly nurture the next generation because he never grew up himself. Robert Ryan also appears as a child psychologist who interviews Peter, but he's not given anything much to do aside from listening to the boy's story, his characteristic intensity temporarily subdued. The film is shot in sumptuous Technicolor that almost looks too vibrant to be real, pushing the border between reality and imagination. Overall, 'The Boy with Green Hair' is both an intriguing children fantasy and a powerful anti-war fable, tinged with that childhood innocence that makes every ideal seem so attainable.
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It's Not Easy Being Green
wes-connors9 December 2007
As the film begins, young Dean Stockwell (as Peter Fry) is in a police station; obviously, the adults do not know where he belongs, or why his head is shaved bald. Robert Ryan (as Dr. Evans) gets young Stockwell to speak, after giving the hungry boy a hamburger. Stockwell tells his story: he was a war orphan, and was shuffled between relatives ("I sure lived in a lot of places"). Finally, he winds up with Pat O'Brien (as "Gramps"), a vaudeville-type actor. He and Mr. O'Brian form a relatively happy family. However, at school, Stockwell is teased, for being an orphan; specifically, he is told he resembles an "Unidentified War Orphan" depicted in a poster. That evening, O'Brien comforts Stockwell, and promises the next day will bring hope in the form of a surprise.

The surprise is, of course, that Stockwell becomes "The Boy with Green Hair". This is a very unusual film, particularly for the time period; it is both thought-provoking, and entertaining. Stockwell and O'Brien are wonderful. "Nature Boy" is a beautiful, and apt, theme song. Stockwell's meeting with the War Poster children is very well done - still, quiet, and effective. However, the themes of "peace" and "tolerance" could be better connected. And, there are some minor story difficulties; for example, the milkman couldn't possibly be responsible for the green hair, unless Stockwell is the only milk drinker in town (stipulating the townspeople, as a whole, are of average intelligence). Still, a lovely film about being different, which we all are.

******* The Boy with Green Hair (11/16/48) Joseph Losey ~ Dean Stockwell, Pat O'Brien, Robert Ryan
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An Enduring Message
frizzsg23 February 2000
It's been years since I last saw this film, but it stays with me. I was an adolescent in the early 60's when I first saw The Boy With Green Hair on a local television station in southern California. It was one of those stations that has a playlist of movies which they repeat at intervals. I must have watched this film a dozen or more times, and each time I so completely identified with the character played by Dean Stockwell (even though I was a girl and had very brown hair). I'm sure it had something to do with my age, the times I was living in, and the fact that I was a bit different from the "popular" kids. I have looked for a video copy of this movie for years and finally discovered that the producer/owner of the movie pulled all rights for reproducing it because of some dispute, I can't remember now what it was about. At any rate, it is a real shame. I would certainly like to share this treasure with some young friends of mine. I think its message would come through, despite the years.
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Seems to stick with those who saw it in its original release
bandw26 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This movie about young Peter Fry (Dean Stockwell), orphaned during WWII, is special to me as it is the fist movie I can remember having seen - I was six years old. After almost sixty years I still remember this movie and have wanted to see it as an adult. As a kid I have to admit that the messages of the movie pretty much flew over my head. I remember being puzzled by the sudden transformation from black hair to green and felt that it wasn't explained to my satisfaction. I also remember picking up on Peter's question, "The world isn't going to be blown up and everybody killed, is it Gramp?" and finding Gramp's answer not terribly consoling.

At least I can now appreciate the symbolism of the hair color. I find the plea this movie makes for tolerance much more affecting than its "War is bad for children" message. Sure Peter's story is a sad one, but his being an orphan did not involve me as much as I think the movie was striving for. (If you want to see a movie that shows that war is bad for children, rather than just talking about it, see "Ivan's Childhood.") The theme of being ostracized for an inconsequential, innate difference did get to me. I suppose things have changed a bit for the better since 1948, but even green hair would still be cause for concern in some circles. And to no small extent people are still judged by the color of their skin, or their sexual orientation, or their religious beliefs (or non-beliefs), and so on, ad nauseam.

I got the DVD through Netflix. The picture quality was not good on the copy I got - the colors were faded and fuzzy. This had the effect of not making the green hair stand out very dramatically.

Dean Stockwell is a major reason this film succeeds - I think a less charming and less talented kid would have sunk the whole thing. The talents of Robet Ryan and Barbara Hale are not utilized at all, but it was good to see Hale in all of her 1940s wholesomeness. The insertion of O'Brien's little song-and-dance number I found to be rather odd and unnecessary.

Then there is the letter that Peter's father wrote to him that was not to be opened until Peter was sixteen. In fact the letter was read to Peter, some six years early, toward the end of the movie and its contents were rather simplistic and nothing that Peter could not understand and accept. The letter was a hook to keep your interest, but the payoff was a letdown. And the letter could be viewed as contradicting the anti-war theme of the movie by its mentioning that Peter's parents were to die in the war for a "fine and worthwhile" cause - there are some good wars. And I doubt that Hitler would have been turned into a pacifist by his having seen this movie.

But there is enough here of interest to make this worth viewing for most people: Losey's first major film, Stockwell's performance, a historical perspective, the opening song (Nature Boy), and the unusual storyline.
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THE BOY WITH GREEN HAIR (Joseph Losey, 1948) ***
Bunuel197619 January 2009
Losey's first feature film was this unexpected Technicolor fantasy with a strong anti-war message. Dean Stockwell is a boy whose parents are busy doing war duty during the London blitz; after they're killed, he's taken in by cheerful Irish former actor Pat O'Brien (who bursts into song at the drop of a hat) – in perhaps the least typical scene in the director's entire oeuvre (more suited to an MGM musical, in fact!), he recalls his private performance before a European king! Anyway, things take a curious turn when, in direct opposition to children's suffering in wartime, Stockwell's hair goes from black to green (the color of Spring and, therefore, hope) overnight. However, this defiant gesture isn't easily understood by either the boy's peers (who take to bullying him) or the local elders (who treat him as an outcast); amusingly, milk-man Regis Toomey drops his consignment of bottles off-camera when the physical change which has occurred in Stockwell finally dawns on him! Medical science can't help the boy either, but a 'visit' by other war orphans reassures him of the symbolic role he has to play. Even so, as with virtually every harbinger of an inconvenient truth, he still ends up victimized: his head is completely shaved and, running away, comes across sympathetic children's doctor Robert Ryan(!) – to whom the story thus far is recounted in flashback. Given the vital importance of color here, this emerges a very pleasant-looking film indeed; the ensuing drama is remarkably well handled with, thankfully, little concession to sentimentality. Though there's regrettably too little of Ryan to counterbalance O'Brien's malarkey, the whole is undoubtedly boosted by the haunting tune "Nature Boy" (which would somehow find its way effectively into the eclectic MOULIN ROUGE [2001] score!).
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"I like long stories that are hard to believe".
classicsoncall20 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I don't think there's anything wrong with a movie having a strong anti-war slant with a pacifist message, provided that there's some element of reality inserted as well. Released approximately three years following the end of World War II, director Joseph Losey was obviously commenting on the horrors of war leaving many orphans in it's wake on both sides of the conflict. What I found fascinating, and this has some bearing on modern times, is when the 'ghost' of the poster boy orphan called upon Russians, Americans, Chinese, British and French to find a way to live in peace and condemn war because war is bad for children. Did the film makers not include Germans, Japanese and Italians for fear of offending those countries? Something to think about when political leaders of many nations today refuse to call terrorists 'terrorists' for that very reason.

I liked the green hair idea though. The concept was effectively used to show that differences among people should not automatically be cause for exclusion. I think the younger one is when they hear that message, the better chance for understanding there is among those of different nationality, color, race, etc. I realize Gramp (Pat O'Brien) was just trying to do what was best for Peter (Dean Stockwell), but I can't help but wonder if the boy would have been better served by having an adult stand with him against the rest of the community and advise against the haircut. That's why I thought the teacher Miss Brand (Barbara Hale) was the most insightful character in the story; her survey of kids with different hair color had a way of putting the class at ease and not make a big deal out of Peter's 'abnormality'. After all, there was only one kid in class with red hair, and nobody had a problem with that, did they?

Overall I think the movie's positive message outweigh it's faults, and has sort of a timeless appeal making it appropriate for younger kids to watch today if you can wrestle them away from their cell phones. One kid in the story I'd have them keep an eye on is the young teen who lost his glasses chasing Peter who turns on him as soon as he got the glasses back. He reminded me of a politician who'll make any promise to get your vote, only to have it turn out a lie once elected. How many times have we seen that?
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A Message of Peace
marilynk7715 June 2001
What brought this movie to mind after not having seen it for many years, was the title song "Nature Boy" which is currently used in the new movie "Moulin Rouge" (which I also loved).

I saw Boy with Green Hair probably in the 60's on TV a number of times. Being a teenager/young adult at that time and with the turmoil of the Vietnam War, etc. this movie really made an impression on me.

I don't remember all the details of the movie or how good it was "technically", but I do remember the message and feeling it left me with. It's a shame it is not available on video as I would love to see it again - maybe some day! Anyway, its worth watching if you ever get the chance.
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A Gem
Profplum-219 March 2000
I, too, first saw this film a little while after it came out, when I was younger than the main character was supposed to be. It has stayed with me for the next half-century, and I considered myself very lucky to find a video in a sale bin about ten years ago.

Really, it foreshadowed the '60's - it is not only about the fact that being different should be OK, but more about the consequences of intolerance, about folks' reactions, their illogic, and where those reactions can take us. This is all done with a nice soupcon of fantasy to make the moral point easy to understand (subtlety isn't the film's strong point).

There's a story in the newspapers about a twelve-year-old boy in 6th grade who last week came to school with hair dyed green for St. Patrick's day, incidentally. Three guesses what happened to him....

See this movie.
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Anti-war rhetoric mixed curiously with childhood whimsy...
moonspinner555 March 2008
A belligerent young boy in small town America during WWII, living with his Irish grandpa and slowly making friends at his new school, discovers that his do-gooder parents stationed in England were killed; upon learning the color green is a symbol for hope and "new things to come", the lad's thick, curly hair turns the shade of emerald overnight--but instead of bringing hope to the world, he becomes the town pariah. Childhood fantasy and folksy whimsy turned (not very persuasively) into wartime allegory, with unsubtle messages and a heavy sort of stylized direction from Joseph Losey, perhaps out of his element. Losey does handle the actors well, especially Pat O'Brien as pre-teen Dean Stockwell's sing-songy grandparent, and the rich Technicolor production and music score are both lovely. Still, the gist of this little tale (framed in flashback for no apparent reason other than to give Robert Ryan an elongated cameo as a doctor) is obvious at best, poky at worst. Main theme "Nature Boy" has had a much longer life than the movie itself, but O'Brien is marvelous, and the look of the picture encapsulates an era with enormous, appealing grace. **1/2 from ****
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A Feel-Good Movie That Is Actually a Downer Warning: Spoilers
Peter Fry is a war orphan because his parents died during the London blitz trying to help war orphans. The school he ends up going to is having a clothing drive to help war orphans. When Peter's hair turns green, this marks him as having a special mission to tell everyone that war is bad because it causes war orphans. But the other children make fun of him on account of his green hair, and the adults pressure him into having it cut off because it is a public nuisance, an inauspicious beginning for Peter's special mission.

Children might have enjoyed this movie when it first came out, and adults might have enjoyed it with them vicariously. But its simplistic message, never very credible in the first place, is drained of what little plausibility it might have once had by the fact that the world has not changed: we are still fighting wars, presumably causing children to become orphans. The idea of a little boy with green hair wandering around telling everybody that we need to stop fighting wars might have been an expression of hope in 1948 when this movie was made, but now it just seems naïve.

The worst feature of this film is that it is premised on something supposedly noble, but which is in fact quite irritating. When Peter was very young, his parents left him with an aunt so that they could help the war orphans in London. Even if one of his parents felt the need to participate in the war effort, say, the father, we would expect the mother to stay with her son and take care of him, but they both figure they have more important things to do than raise their own child. When the aunt gets word that Peter's parents are dead, she passes him on to other relatives who don't want him either. This continues until he ends up with his grandfather.

We are supposed to think of those relatives as being cold and selfish, but after all, they did not bargain on having to raise someone else's child. It is actually Peter's parents who are selfish. They are that strange breed of do-gooder who becomes so enamored with the idea of saving the world that he neglects his own family. Without pausing to be sure that Peter would be raised to maturity by a loving relative happy to take care of him if they died in the war, they just dumped him on his aunt and took off.

There is one moment in the movie when Peter correctly concludes that his parents cared more about other children than they did him, but the movie insists that he is wrong, and at the end Peter is seen as understanding that they really did love him and that what they did was right and good. As insistent as the movie is in this regard, it still leaves us with a feeling of revulsion for parents who would abandon their child so they could devote themselves to some higher purpose.
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Check this out if you can find it.
Duke-563 February 1999
I saw this movie in Panama, where I was born, at the movie theater when I was 8 years old. The images of the movie and its message has stayed with me all these years. Other people can be cruel if you are different. Being different is NOT a

bad thing. Live with it and use it to your advantage. See this movie if you can. It is hard to find.
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Underrated Upon Release, Overrated by Posterity
joe-pearce-120 July 2019
When this film came out in 1948, my Roman Catholic Sunday School class was urged to see it, and we got the impression it was distinctly anti-Communist. I saw it, didn't care all that much for it, noticed no anti-Communist message in it, and thought it rather dull. I was, of course, 9. Seeing it now, for the first time in 71 years, I no longer find it dull, but I also don't find it any kind of forgotten masterpiece. The tale is well-told for 1948, and the credits, music and general feel of the film are of a fairy tale (forgetting the green hair business), but as charming as the relationship between Peter and Grandpa is, that to me is the only real selling point of the film. Indeed, all the performances are excellent, but if Losey's reason for making the film was to encourage peace and an end to war because, you know, it hurts children, in that it fails totally, and it is not what I took away in 1948 any more than it is what I take away from it today. Seeing a school poster with Stalin and a hammer and sickle, and another one with the word "Jewish" in it may have meant more in 1948 than they would now, but they are not followed up upon, and this was after THE BEST YEARS OF OUR LIVES and GENTLEMAN'S AGREEMENT, so they couldn't have counted for much even then. The message is not exactly hammered home by Peter's encounter with the actual children from some other school posters, and nothing the kids have to say to him is very meaningful, although they give him a reason to practically run through the streets recommending peace to people who've just gone through World War II. The fault, I fear, is in the screenplay; it just doesn't carry through on whatever intentions it may have been intended to convey. And it is not really the adults, but the other children who initially try to forcibly give Peter a haircut he no longer wants. It is muddled in that respect, right up to the end. HOWEVER, it is still a vey nice and gentle story to watch, and Dean Stockwell, who was far and away the best male child actor of his (and maybe any other) time - Rooney didn't really come into his own until he was 15, which is a bit long in the tooth for a 'child' actor - is superb throughout, as good or better than he was in THE SECRET GARDEN, which was my all-time hallmark for fine child acting. Stockwell is that rarest of child actors (Natalie Wood was another, but she died too early) who had a totally unimpeded acting career from the age of about 8 until he hit his 70s. O'Brien, an amazingly underrated actor for one of his stardom and enduring fame, is excellent as Grandpa, but is actually too young for the role. I am assuming that Ryan took this extraordinarily insignificant part due to his belief in the film's message (he was a very liberal actor even before that was trendy), and Barbara Hale is similarly wasted. But they do their jobs well. Lastly, I must have actually seen this movie before Nat "King" Cole's recording of "Nature Boy" hit the charts, because I had no recollection at all that the song was from this film, and of course we all remember the song to this day thanks to Mr. Cole. I give it a 7 because of the performances and the general 'nice' feel of the piece, but if this was supposed to be a propaganda film for peace, it certainly didn't work very well, and I doubt that any of Mr. Losey's subsequent problems with blacklisting and the like had anything to do with this particular episode in his sporadic film career. It's hard to believe that this film and, say, THE SERVANT, could have come from the same director.
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well-made but boy is this an annoying film
planktonrules9 February 2006
Don't get me wrong--I am not a gung-ho warmonger. However, intensely preachy movies like this make me want to go out and blow something up--a reaction far different than the writers of this annoying film had in mind. It's an anti-war film that is so heavy-handed and preachy that I can't imagine the average person sitting through the thing. You see, the lead is a young boy whose hair mysteriously turns green. And, it turns out, it happened as a warning and an example to all that war is bad. Wow,...really?! What a major surprise--war is bad! Sorry, please forgive my sarcasm, but instead of giving us a silly movie like this, give us something that isn't so intensely and dreadfully hokey.

Despite all this, the acting is fine and technically this is a decent film but be warned it isn't exactly subtle!
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A buried treasure, and a film ahead of its time
BobLib28 January 2000
It would be an obvious point to state that "The Boy with Green Hair" is one of the most touching fantasies ever put on film, for indeed it is that. But, over and above that, it's a movie which states that being different is all right. That and its pacifistic message made it a film very much ahead of its time and, thus, its reputation as a classic caught up with it over the years.

All of the performances are excellent. Dean Stockwell is probably best known to a later generation as the star of "Blue Velvet" and "Quantum Leap." But his best role came at the age of twelve with this film. In an understated yet powerful way, he's very believeable as the young war orphan, living with his grandfather, who is at first bewildered by his sudden change on hair color (Well, wouldn't YOU be?), but eventually comes to accept it and what it means, hoping his hair, which has been shaved off by superstitious townspeople, comes back green. Pat O'Brien, underplaying more than was usually his wont, gives a charming, yet insightful, performance as his kindly grandfather, a former vaudeville entertainer turned singing waiter. Robert Ryan, forsaking his usual villainous roles, is the child psychologist who helps Stockwell make sense of it all. And those who know Barbara hale primarily as either "Della Street" on the "Perry Mason" shows, the "Amana" lady, or William Katt's real-life mother, gives a brief but believable performance as Stockwell's sympathetic teacher.

Joseph Losey was the far-sighted director who brought all this to the screen. Unfortunately, the "dare to be different" and "give peace a chance" aspects of the story would work against him just a few years later, when he was blacklisted. All but unemployable in America, he continued his career in England, and the results, usually in collaboration with screenwriter Harold Pinter, were such critical, if not popular, successes, as "The Servant" and "The Go-Between."

In short, this an underseen film that deserves to be seen more often. These days it's frequently on AMC, so catch it.
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Kids will love it
preppy-328 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
**SPOILERS** Young Peter Fry (Dean Stockwell) is left alone when his parents go off to fight in WWII. He's left with lovable Gramps (Pat O'Brien). His parents are killed in the war and he becomes a war orphan. He reacts with anger--and then wakes up one morning to find her hair turned green! He soon discovers it was turned green so people will notice him and listen to him as he delivers a message--war is bad for children. **END SPOILERS**

The Technicolor cinematography is beautiful and I applaud the message (especially in these times) but I personally found the movie simplistic and heavy-handed. I also thought Stockwell's character was obnoxious and there were two songs in the film that made me want to cut off my ears BUT kids will probably love this. It's made for them anyways--this is not an adult film. The acting is so-so. Stockwell is just OK (although I give him credit for taking the role) and O'Brien seems uncomfortable in his role. The only ones who pulls off any acting are Robery Ryan and Barbara Hale (looking stunning in color) as a teacher. She also has a great scene where she subtly points out to her class that there's nothing wrong with green hair. Also Stockwell's hair color doesn't look that strange in this day and age. I give this a 7 for the color and the message.
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good sentiment
SnoopyStyle20 July 2019
Peter Frye (Dean Stockwell) is an American orphan who lost his parents during the war. He's bald when he's found by the cops. Psychologist Dr. Evans (Robert Ryan) talks to him as he recounts his story. He's living with his Gramp (Pat O'Brien) after being passed around by his other relatives. Miss Brand (Barbara Hale) is his new teacher. He is troubled by being called a war orphan and the general talk of war. With such troubles on his mind, he comes out of the bath one day with green hair.

I love the sentiment and I love one scary scene with the glasses kid. Otherwise, this struggles to fix on its message. I'm still not sure of the relevance of the green hair other than a generalized theme of tolerance. The dream sequence should be Peter's parents telling him what they're doing during the war and what they want him to do. If the hair comes from his parents, then it would be more compelling to see what happens. Overall, the theme is a little too scattered and broad to hit its mark.
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The Boy With Green Hair-Color Me Blue on this One **1/2
edwagreen24 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Interesting film with basically different stories. A boy's parents go off to England to save the children at the beginning of World War 11 and are apparently killed in a bombing.

The child, played well by Dean Stockwell, lives with a variety of relatives before being shuffled off to "Gramps"-Pat O'Brien.

Gramps is really not his grandfather. That's really not explained very well. Barbara Hale co-stars as a rather benign teacher. She is basically there because there is a part needed for a teacher. She says little, except when she informs the other students about what happened to Stockwell's parents. A hurt young man professes that he really knew that his parents were dead.

The film then goes to one of being anti-war in general. Over night, Stockwell's hair turns green and he is told by other children to go around preaching against war.

When it appears that Stockwell shall keep his green hair and be a non-conformist, he is ultimately persuaded to cut his hair off.

Robert Ryan co-stars as a doctor who hears Stockwell's story after the latter runs away. Ryan really must have been under contract to accept this part.

Nicely done, but too many inter-connecting themes which are merely glossed over. As a child actor, Stockwell had far better films-"Anchors Aweigh," in 1945 and the magnificent "Gentleman's Agreement," in 1947.
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masonfisk28 March 2022
A weird anti-war film from 1948 starring Dean Stockwell. A boy, bald, sits in a police station incommunicado until a kindly therapist (Robert Ryan) shows up w/some food which loosens the imp's tongue to divulge his story which will unfold during the next 90 minutes or so. Unloved (at least he believes so) & passed among adults, this orphan (his parents have passed during the recent World War) lives his life simply until one day after a bath, his hair is now bright green in color, which prompts ridicule from his classmates & sends him into a state whereby he decries the horrors of war. This is a long presumption to be had from the slimmest of coincidences which may've not fallen on kind ears since we were the big victors of WWII, a war for most to have been waged on the surest of rationales but the fable is not completely tone deaf since the film's heart is in the right place & war should be the last resort to any conflict.
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A Magnificent Fantasy with Messages against War, Racism and Intolerance
claudio_carvalho2 May 2008
In a police station, a child psychologist uses his ability to interview a runaway boy with hairs completely cut-off that is reluctant to speak. The boy tells that his name is Peter Fry (Dean Stockwell) and his parents had traveled to London and have not returned yet; meanwhile he is living with Gramp Fry (Pat O'Brien), after being lodged in the houses of many relatives for short periods. He gets along with Gramp, the locals, his schoolmates and his teacher; however, when he discovers that he is an orphan of war, his hair turns green on the next morning and Peter is rejected by his community.

The metaphoric "The Boy with Green Hair" is one of the most beautiful and touching fantasies, with magnificent messages against war, racism and intolerance. Joseph Losey directed a fantastic film, absolutely underrated in IMDb, with an original story associated to an awesome screenplay and top-notch performances, highlighting a twelve year-old Dean Stockwell and Pat O'Brien. In times of intolerance, this movie is a gem to be discovered by worldwide viewers. Further, this is the type of movie that should be recommended in schools for children, not only because of the antiwar and anti-racism peaceful messages, but also because demands interpretation of the story told by Peter to the psychologist. My vote is nine.

Title (Brazil): "O Menino dos Cabelos Verdes" ("The Boy with Green Hair")
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A forgotten Gem
tm-sheehan10 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This song from The Boy With Green Hair (Nature Boy) movie made in 1948 directed but Joseph Losey has been going through my head.

. This movie and the song played over the opening titles is my first conscious recollection of being profoundly affected by a dramatic film .I would have been about 5or 6 years old or younger when my Dad showed it at the Brighton Cinema in the early 1950's .

The Boy With Green Hair was probably one of the first pacifist anti War movies made after the 2nd World War,it's told in the form of a parable.

It starred Dean Stockwell as Peter a war orphan and lonely little boy who's parents have been killed in the war during the London Blitz. He is not told their fate but shuttled from one selfish relative to the next.

He finally is sent to "Gramp"a loveable ex vaudevillian played so well by veteran actor Pat O'Brien and they get along fine .

One morning after Peter is finally told he is an orphan his hair mysteriously turns green and the story becomes a parable for the waste of human life and futility of War.

Peter decides that his hair has turned green for a reason and it's his mission as a War Orphan to spread a message for peace despite the various reactions and rejection of the townspeople to his hair turning green.

Peter eventually realises he does have a very special place in the world.

I love this movie it's probably dated ,long forgotten and had a tiny budget but to my mind its a lost gem well acted worth a look I treasure it in my DVD collection.

I think at the time I felt a little unusual and different and was like the boy in the song perhaps "a very strange Enchanted boy" The lyrics-

There was a boy A very strange enchanted boy They say he wandered very far Very far over land and sea A little shy and sad of eye But very wise, was he And then one day One magic day he passed my way While we spoke of many things Fools and kings This he said to me The greatest thing You'll ever learn Is just to love And be loved In return.
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terrible, just terrible
tk438625 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
It seems like all the other reviewers will grab any anti-war message movie and talk about how great it is, no matter how bad the movie may actually be.

It has a good message, but it is brought about too blatantly (Stockwell speaking directly into the camera). And symbolism doesn't work well in movies when you have a character directly state what a symbol means. (As in the scene where the war orphan directly explains what the green hair symbolizes).

And why does the movie never offer any explanation for Peter's outrageous lies??? I guess it is just natural for any war orphan to tell outrageous lies about spending 3 days in a cave with a tiger.

Please do not watch this movie to try to gain any great insight. The whole message can be summed up in a simple formula:



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I was in the movie (voice only)
jpschafer-846-70761816 November 2013
I was one of four boys singing for the four young actors riding with Pat Obrien in what I think was an old Model T Ford. We sang a song called "Chip, Chip my Little Horse." I was a member of the St. Luke's Choristers of Long Beach, Ca. The choir had performed in at least 50 movies before I joined them in 1946. I recently bought a CD of the movie and enjoyed it very much, even though the picture quality was rather poor. I am amazed at the number of people I've talked to about the film who do not remember the lead song (Nature Boy) sung by Nat King Cole. I was surprised to lean how many fine actors had their start in this film. Worth watching.
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More than an obvious family film
JuguAbraham11 July 2020
More than a family film--this fits well into various subjects chosen by Losey to make a film. Here the tale is an allegory of people being different from the majority and the importance of being accepted as such. Hair color, skin color, political affiliations, a virus carrier during the Covid pandemic,... society has to realize all are humans and equal. Howard Hughes, the RKO studio boss, tried his best to interfere with Losey's project and tweak the screenplay by threatening the child actor Dean Stockwell to change his spoken lines. History has it that young Stock-well was convinced of the lines he was speaking and refused to heed the angry Hughes!
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Over sentimental
parcdelagrange28 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
It would seem that I am in the minority, but I found this film to be neither entertaining nor successful at getting its anti war message across. The underlying message is that war is bad, especially for children ..... do we really need a Hollywood director to tell us that? Its one and only redeeming factor is the quality of acting by a very young Dean Stockwell, that cannot be faulted, but the content I found boring and terribly condescending. It could be that this film was made in America for an American audience, I believe that in the UK we are not as sentimental as our friends across the pond. A film should be to entertain, but too many directors seem to have a penchant for jumping on the band wagon to voice left wing views, if not against war it is against capital punishment. I watched this film a few days ago and I would say that it has not worn well with age.
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